Title: The Simplicities of Pleasure
geonncannonPairing: Sam Carter/Olivia Benson, Olivia/Alex past relationship
Word Count: 2,336
Category: PWP
SVU Spoilers: "Inconceivable"
Disclaimer: Neither Samantha Carter or Olivia Benson belong to me. Ergo, none of their supporting casts belong to me either. Atlantis isn't mine, New York belongs to no one in particular and I had nothing to do with forming the universes these two ladies originally hail from. They're just a fun place to play in.
Rating: NC17
Author's Notes: Never let it be said I don't cave to begging. :D This is for the first challenge in
cross_my_heart. I love the idea of that group SO much, I want to see it thrive! They have Olivia Benson/Tempe Brennan PWPs, people! Run, don't walk! :D
Author's Notes 2: Set after SVU 9X13, "Inconceivable." In my continuity, since I saw none of it, "Conviction" didn't happen. Alex disappeared back into Witness Protection after "Ghost." There is a third crossover involved in this story, but I'm zipping my lips about the details. :D Continues my "Worlds Collide" series which is made up of:
Give and Take*
From a Million Miles*
Two Days Grace*
The Sentries of the HeartSummary: Olivia decides to cut ties to New York and take a chance with Sam in Atlantis.
The Simplicities of Pleasure