[fic] Without A Trace/X-Files - Samantha Spade/Monica Reyes - PG-13

Jan 08, 2008 11:19

Title: Distractions
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms Crossed: Without A Trace/X-Files
Pairings/Characters: Samantha Spade/Monica Reyes
Seasons/Spoilers: X-Files season 9-ish. Could be anytime in WaT.
Warnings/Disclaimers: Monica Reyes and John Doggett belong to Chris Carter, the rest of the characters belong to Jerry Bruckheimer. Nothing's mine but the situation.
Summary: "Samantha Spade has a reputation for taking her work (her colleagues) home with her. Taking witnesses home with her is probably the next logical step."
Author's Notes: Written quite a while ago for the femslash_today 'Guns & Microscopes' ficathon, but being revived now in celebration of this shiny new community! Truckloads of beta-love to mandysbitch for licking this into shape. Any remaining blunders are obviously my own.


medium: fiction, fandom: without a trace, title: distractions, rating: pg-13, pairing: samantha spade/monica reyes, author: babylil, fandom: the x-files

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