Title: Catharsis
Author: Dhamphir
Fandom: X-Files/CSI Miami
Pairing: Dana Scully/Calleigh Duquesne
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~3650
Summary: Angry women, big guns, and hot sex
Spoilers/Timeline: Rather AU - imagine the two shows taking place concurrently. This is set roughly in the sixth season of both shows, though no real spoilers.
Archive: By permission only
A/N1: Written for the
cross_my_heart ZOMG Stealth Surprise Ficathon and
Crossover: Chance Meeting challenge, both for IDF 2009. Pairing - Dana Scully/Calleigh Duquesne; Prompts - mine is bigger, the better shot.
A/N2: Special thanks to
k_icker for the fast beta.