Title: The Possibility of the Improbable
Rating: 18
Fandoms Crossed: Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Stargate SG-1
Pairings/Characters: Trillian/Sam
Seasons/Spoilers: Not really... but if you're not familiar with the Guide, you might not get the humor.
Warnings/Disclaimers: I don't own either of these characters; don't sue me.
Summary: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's entry on sex has this to say, "Get whenever and wherever you can."
Author's Notes: Feedback of any variety is always appreciated. I'm a feedback junkie... help me get my fix. And also, I have absolutely no excuse for this pairing/story other than sheer boredom and a twisted sense of humor. I was just rereading some Douglas Adams this afternoon. There isn't much plot, and I didn't even proofread it. It's just silly. Somebody recommended I post this here so... there you have it.
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