Feb 17, 2005 15:13
Okay, so after I was done talking to Haddy about our pasttimes and what we like to do to kind of get a release or something, I thought about what mine was. It was really difficult. She said hers was going onto Ebay.com most nights and just looking at all the different items for sale. I know my dad's is definitly trains, whether it means watching movies on trains, buying trains, selling trains, taking pictures of trains, or playing with his toy trains. I don't get what is so fascinating to my dad about trains but whatever makes him happy. I know that my mom's pasttime is extremely simple and requires absolutely no physical energy...except of course when she is disconvenieced when her tea starts to boil and she has to hold the telephone on her shoulder and walk away from Fox News. haha. Oh my parents are just too comical. But, the thing that frusterated me was that I don't know what my pasttime is...or my hobby. I always tell people its cleaning because I do love to clean but also because it's the first thing that pops into my mind and requires no thinking at all. What else do I really enjoy doing? Hmm... well, I like to take showers....but my closest friends know that it's not an everyday thing (ha if ya know what I mean...yeah I know, its dirty but I'm busy...) and busy with what, I have absolutely no idea. Maybe my business is just plain old laziness...wait that could be it! Anyways, back to what I like to do. I like going for walks at any possible chance I can get, but its been too cold for that. I love taking pictures and organizing them, but the worst part is, I DON'T own a camera (so I buy disposable ones) and all my photo albums are pretty much filled. So it requires money to buy some more. So I sold my dad's digital camera for 200 bucks and I still haven't gotten my money to buy the camera I want. And also, my parents owe me SO much money from these past couple of weeks, I haven't been able to do anything. And I really can't get a good kind of job until I'm at least 16, (damn't June, just come faster!). I realized though, that the one thing I hate doing is the one thing that gives me a release and works the crap out of me, and that would be shopping. It's like what defines women, shopping, and I really don't like to do it. It's really tiring if you come to think about it, you have to walk up and down all these flights (well when I go to the Danbury mall, I make sure I walk down the whole downstairs then go upstairs from the end of the downstairs, walk to the halfway mark and eat lunch then go the rest of the way and end up exactly where I came in) but still its tiring in any mall really because of all the walking, and carrying the bags, PLUS your purse (which is now why Brian usually holds it when we go together). Another thing about shopping which is just really stressful is making sure you have enough money, and getting the money out and giving exact change and all that fun stuff! But when I get home, and see the things I bought, I think that it was all worth it. And one more thing that I'm enjoying is going to bookstores with a cup of tea after having a lovely dinner at Boston Market and reading books from either the Art section or the section that contains books like Girl, Interrupted or Prozac Nation in it. It's really nice. I really do need to go shopping and I need my parents to come with me so that they can buy me clothes for once, finally!
I really do need new clothes....I wear the same exact jeans almost every day and it really sucks becuase I can't wash them as regularly as I would wash other ones because these tend to shrink INTENSELY and since I'm gaining weight every single day cuz we're all growing, they don't fit and usually dig into my stomach, and the worst worst worst part is that they are from Costco and that is my all time favorite place to get jeans and now they stopped selling the kind I usuually buy, they only sell Bootcut ones now. Dumb Costco. So I think that going shopping for clothes for the seasons would be nice, I can also finally get my dresses that I've been wanting forever. Also, maybe getting a trim so that my hair isn't uneven anymore would be nice, but not a huge trim because I need my "hippie hair" back!! And a nice little touch would be maybe a pedicure so I don't have to wear 3 pairs of socks everyday with sneakers! hehe. That was alot... oh man...now I get to go to the mall and walk around for excercise...oh well, its only the Stamford Mall (which I don't prefer).
K well, I'm done for the day.