hungry I come to you

Jun 07, 2006 16:45

Perhaps I am somewhat naive for ever considering this piece of advice, however I have concluded that the idea of "following your heart" is a bunch of bull. Don't listen to that crap. If you follow your heart you will do what you want at the moment, what you believe will make you happy, but it won't. Doing what "you want" in order to make yourself "happy" is such a selfish concept. Who came up with it in the first place? Following your "heart" leads you to hurt other people's hearts. It destroys good names and friendships. Whatever happened to caring about other people? What if everyone did what they wanted to do? There would be so much pain. No mercy. There would be no love. Even if there was "love" it would be the selfish kind that exists only to fill some sort of void a person hides within themself; and that is not love at all. People everywhere would be lost, hurt, and empty.

haha...basically what I'm trying to say is "you don't know what's good for you." Not really. What I would like to point out is that thinking of yourself first all the time will only hurt you, and others, in the end. All of us have an idea of perfection in our mind, but no one will ever live up to it; deal with it. Stop being so selfish for one minute and think about what might be good for someone else.

I was inspired by Mr. Rudy, who waiting in line at the grocery store with a cartful of baby food, offered my friends and I his spot in line. I was blown away that anyone would even look to their side and put the other person's needs before their own. If only I could learn to look around myself and (in the words of Deg) "think beyon' yowself."
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