Mar 07, 2011 11:11
I'm not sure if I went to space yesterday or whatever the equivilent to heaven would be for those who believe solely in science. I acquired beautiful things to match the pretty thoughts in my head. Faced a fear that came true in a way and experienced something that actually needed a word invented for it to describe acurately - "hibadibifabada".
Landed on a peice of land my parents were at one point with their heads full of chemicals and I thought it perfectly fitting, it was aestetically different but I imagined the feeling to be parallel. Everything was illuminated in a small moving circle originating in my palm and I made big plans for there to be more light in the future. We layed suspended a foot above the lake and saw a shooting star from level one in just the nic of time. We toyed with innocence and used things for purposes that they weren't originally created, although we did question whether everything on earth was created just for people like us in this perfect state of mind.
Making our way back home, I laughed uncontrollably at what only a few hours ago had put me into a frieghtened parallysis of sorts. As our minds began to clear we challenged them with moving pictures that once passed left a feeling of emptiness, in a way, but only in the best sense of the word. Sleep hit all at once and I retired knowing that this day would be ingrained in my mind for as long as thoughts hang around these days.
I awoke with a perfect view of earth and realized that this happiness has been growing for months now and I deserve every minute of it. On the outside looking in, you may question if this exuberence is possibly sincere. I can ensure that if you were in my head and in my life you'd know that this possitivity is possible. And one day you'll feel it too, or atleast I hope that even for a millisecond that everyone can feel as alive as I have in recent times. And of course it comes with the fear of something faltering and the realization that life always has it's ups and downs, but for now I'm just following the "flow".