[ Characters ] Zidane and Teddie
[ Location ] near the carnival grounds
[ Date/Time ]
[ Warning ] n/a
[ Content ]
Zidane makes off to rescue the loud bear-boy from enemies...or himself depending on your perspective.
He made his way towards the carnival grounds as quickly as he could. He was glad he had been here a while and had the chance to explore a bit so that he wasn't completely clueless. He had to find the boy with the bear suit before he got himself killed.
That crazy loud mouth...why can't it be a beautiful girl I'm running to rescue?
He made sure to have his shifter already in its weapon form and at the ready. He was still bearing a cut across his cheek from his earlier encounter with his own guard. The kid might have been nuts, but that wasn't a good excuse to throw him into prison. Not that too many of the excuses he had heard so far were good excuses.