[ Characters ] Mireille Duroc/
unreadability and Silver/
annealoncemore [ Location ] A clearing in Schwartzwald, somewhere between Jamarrow and Childreams.
[ Date/Time ] 19th of April, early afternoon.
[ Warning ] Awkward honesty?
[ Content ] Mireille gets rid of The Mouse and Silver... hasn't learnt not to run around with knives.
The mouse is the least of her problems... )
"Someone else to hear my tales! Now, are you also interested in Napoleon, or would - "An abrupt silence. Perhaps it notices the - given, rather conspicuous - kitchen knives Silver is holding in both hands. Two steady double-edged blades mounted on ornately-carved handles - rather nice, really. I'm sure the faceless inhabitant from whom Silver stole them had thought so, too, before being threatened at gun-point by an emo assassin jumping in through their window and demanding their kitchenware ( ... )
Finally prying the twig loose enough for her to straighten up and step back, she turns around and stops dead. Yes, the sight that meets her would have been comical if it didn’t call forth a long line of memories that she has done her best to bury inside, for safe-keeping. Far away from the web of half-truths and pretence she has made hers now. The inescapable reality of Mireille Duroc, not Barrault. Her smile, the shadow of it, disappears.
”I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more I can do.” He had had kind eyes, even ( ... )
In this moment, she reminds him of Ray. It's not that Ray would go out his way to save a talking mouse, or even be able to express a sentiment like the one she just had without laughing. No - it's that, like Ray, she has seen the world for what it is at the core (he can see it in her eyes, in the way she forms her words, even when he isn't trying to see it - oh, even when he's trying not to see it). It's that she has seen the blackness that bubbles and rots beneath this calm veneer, but has chosen to continue holding her beliefs. It's not even that her beliefs are anything like Ray's, and it' ( ... )
He finds a tree with a sturdy trunk and leans back against it, one leg propped up a little, looking at his ease but as always alert, maybe even tense. They're about two metres apart, a distance of closeness Silver is used to, in conversations - judged never by what is proper, but by what distance words should cross to ring most true.
Making excuses for a mouse like this, exerting herself to care for something so useless... the sheer illogicality of it is overwhelming. How can she gain any value from it, this... this unyielding need to care? Silver cannot fathom thinking with his heart even this much - after all, hadn't he said once he would never let the light of sadness touch him again? Didn't that extend, more than ( ... )
Mireille is no naïve schoolgirl. She knows the workings of politics well; knows the shadows of its backside. Even so, she wants to focus on… on… Jean Louis taking her hands in his, telling her they will surely win. Michel Lavreau reaching out for a scalpel, his fingers brushing those of his wife as she hands it to him. Her younger self holding on to her father’s pale, lifeless hand for dear life.Her hands have been quite powerless since that moment, haven’t they? Mireille raises one hand slowly to look at it; her soft, pale skin slowly hardening from the ( ... )
Silver knows better than anyone: caring will only disappoint you, if you are foolish enough to even attempt it in the first place. The only thing anyone can do is kill before they're killed, and keep living - and even then, he can't be sure why.
And yet. As long as she is able to latch on to something - as long as she can pick one path out of the din - then there is sure to be people who feel the same way. Even if he can't understand it. Should he envy her the resolution to choose this path, or just be confused that she can muster up the strength and will to see so much good in a world like this ( ... )
If that is not being helpless, she doesn’t know what is. Of course, it is not a state of mind she has willingly chosen, but she sees no way out of it… Mireille can’t expect Silver to understand, though. If she were to draw the parallel to how he could do nothing when his family died but look on from a safe distance, she would remind herself too much of Jean Louis, and that, that, she couldn’t bear ( ... )
Even so, her motions are angry when she straightens up and steps away from the boulder. One step closer to him, the knives laid carefully out on the rock next to her shining silvery. First Jean Louis, now Silver… always asking her to do. Of course, because both of them are male - Mireille is no feminist but to believe a woman has the same range of options of action as the man next to her is unrealistic. Not to ( ... )
So it's good he has Mireille around to voice these confusing truths, right?
Silver watches Mireille move, noting her agitation without comment or apparent reaction. She's a woman, yes, but she's also the state minister's wife and the "president"'s daughter; surely she has a great deal more power than most. Because Jean Louis definitely listens to her opinion all the time, right? At least, she should - as anyone does, really - have the initiative to try for change, if she has anything resembling a reason to do it ( ... )
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