May 23, 2007 16:40
First off, i'm terribly sorry that i haven't been on in ages. My home internet has been down for nigh on a month now and I'm terribly behind in everything. I hope I can catch up on everything at some point in the (very) near future. School internet firewalls all forums (LJ included) so I've only been able to respond to comments throught the e-mail alert system (which passes gby the firewall unscathed, apparently).
Onto the worse news - just because I'm on now does not mean that the internet is back. It's still down, I'm just at the local coffee shop which happens to have free WiFi service (and very good cookies and mint tea.) I can't stay too long, but I'll check at least the first page for my friends list and try to trespond to everyone as quickly as possible.
Better news - School's out for the summer! And I am officially in my last year of high school, soon to be done with that as well. I'm too tired to post exam details (and no one wants to read them anyway, I'm sure) so we'll stick with the all emcompassing - I'm a senior, thank Oz!
I don't have much in the way of fics, but there are a few pictures that have been completed lately and not yet posted. Those will be up as soon as possible. No dates, but I'll try to get out to bookstores and coffee shops for the internet as often as possible.
Hope to be in touch with everyone soon!