[monthly] November 2018 Fic Roundup

Dec 18, 2018 11:27

My layout really sucks because it doesn't indicate when something is a link. Bad accessibility. But I'm too lazy to change it.


Word count: 20k+
Fic(let)s: 14
Fandoms: 1 - 6


1. you laughed, I cried: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson (M, 3,400 words; 01 Nov 2018)
In which Slade punishes Dick for something he can't even remember doing (fortunately - or unfortunately - for all involved, Slade has video evidence).

2. This fire rising through my being: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd (T, 2,700 words; 04 Nov 2018)
In which Jason freaks out because the pretty guy he has a crush on goes to the same gym as him.

5. you're all my basic needs: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd (T, 500 words; 15 Nov 2018)
Dick comes home to find Jason stressed out and exhausted.

6. I'm stripped of my pride: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson (M, 500 words; 16 Nov 2018)
In which Slade takes care of Dick after an intense session.

7. watching as the flames get higher: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson (T, 500 words; 17 Nov 2018)
Slade doesn't make mistakes, yet he may have made one when he took in the new Robin as his apprentice. The kid won't shut up about his predecessor.

10. in the shadow of terror: Dick Grayson/Roy Harper/Jason Todd (T, 2,165 words; 22 Nov 2018)
In which Dick has a horrific surprise in store and both Jason and Roy are dismayed they love him regardless.

13. to alert the family: Kate Kane/Harleen Quinzel (T, 250 words; 27 Nov 2018)
Kate finds Harley beaten bloody and wants some answers.

Batman: The Telltale Series (Video Game)

4. When the diamond hits the silver spoon: John Doe/Harleen Quinzel (E, 1,121 words; 13 Nov 2018)
John wants nothing more than to touch Harley, yet she has other plans.

Nightwing (Comics)

3. I would hold you down if I could: Dick Grayson/Roy Harper, Damian Wayne (M, 1,500 words; 11 Nov 2018)
Dick feels guilty over many things, but mainly his feelings for Damian and using Roy to hide them from himself.

Green Lanterns (Comics)/Injustice 2

11. before the new anxiety set in: Jessica Cruz/Harleen Quinzel (T, 500 words; 23 Nov 2018)
She didn't expect running around and getting shot at to be in store for her today, even if it is part of a regular Tuesday for a superhero.

Batman: Arkham Knight

9. that irreparable loss of mine: Christina Bell/Harleen Quinzel (T, 250 words; 21 Nov 2018)
Christina wakes, unable to remember anything since miscarrying her child.

12. I cannot stop this sickness taking over: Harleen Quinzel/Jason Todd (E, 5,730 words; 24 Nov 2018)
Like Jason, Harley has been having nightmares and avoids sleeping over them. Tonight's operation is too important to screw up, however, so Jason decides to help her out.
Sorta A Fool's Legacy-verse, but not really (because porn).

Titans (TV 2018)

8. Push the envelope, watch it bend: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd (E, 2,130 words; 18 Nov 2018)
He should be putting a stop to this, should have put a stop to this long before it even started, but Jason had taken him by surprise and now Dick is dealing with the consequences.

Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018)

14. my body you dare to call it heaven: Crystal Frost/Harleen Quinzel (T, 250 words; 28 Nov 2018)
Being stuck driving through the summer heat in an ancient rust bucket ain't so bad if you got your own personal air conditioner on board.

Crossposted from dreamwidth.

p: dick/slade, p: jessica/harley, f: nightwing, p: dick/jason, f: dcu, list: fics, character: kate kane, f: batman, p: jason/slade, character: jessica cruz, character: damian wayne, character: slade wilson, p: dickroy, character: dick grayson, p: joydick, character: roy, pairing: christina/harley, p: crystal/harley, p: harley/joker, character: christina bell, character: crystal frost, f: titans, character: jason, f: batman: the telltale series, character: john, !monthly, pairing: harley/jason, f: batman: arkham knight, p: harley/kate, character: harley quinn, f: suicide squad

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