[sticky] femslash100 prompt repository

Feb 22, 2020 18:08

Hello, lovelies!

Some of you may know femslash100, a femslash comm for all your shortfic needs. It hosts weekly challenges as well as a drabbletag in which participants fill each other's prompts and then leave 0-3 prompts for others to fill.

I like filling those prompts a lot, but I have a hard time coming up with prompts myself. This is where you come in.

A while ago I asked fresh_brainss, the mod, if it would be okay to ask other people for prompts and leave them in their name when I post a fill.

So, here it is:

If you have any femslash prompts you'd love to see ficlets of 100-250 words of, please leave them here in the following format with your preferred username* attached:

Fandom: Character A/Character B - prompt, requested by username

Any: Any/Any - festivities, requested by crookedspoon
Crossover: Riverdale/Teen Wolf: Cheryl/Lydia - scream, requested by crookedspoon

Please make sure the names and fandoms are in alphabetical order. It's not a guarantee they'll be written, but it gives everyone more prompts to work with. And I will, of course, let you know if someone fills your prompts!
*If your preferred username is on any platform other than Livejournal, please provide a link to it.

Alternately, you can just have a look at the prompts and see if there are any you can fill yourself. That way you can leave your prompts directly AND have fun playing. Seriously, this is a super welcoming community and the reason I got into writing femslash myself! (Here's a link to a Google Spreadsheet with all the prompts from the previous rounds. It's a work in progress in the formatting and sourcing department, but it should be comprehensive.) But just in case you have more prompts to leave than to fill, I’m here :D

Comments are screened until I post them to f100 so no one can peek before that time. ;D

Crossposted from dreamwidth.

prompts, lj: femslash100

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