Fandom Snowflake: Day 11 - Create Something

Jan 13, 2018 00:33

Day 12

In your own space, create a fanwork. Make a podfic, an icon, a sketch, a meta, or a rec list. Arts and crafts. Cross stitch. Draft an essay about a particular medium. Put together a picspam or a fanmix. Write a review of book you love, a ship manifesto, a you-should-be-listening-to-this-band essay. Create something.

I facepalmed when I saw this challenge today, because just hours before I had posted some one sentence fic to my tumblr (Harley/Ivy, Jason/Roy, Gimli/Legolas, Keith/Lance and Barry/Victor if you wanna have a read). But since I created them before the challenge went up I thought it'd be cheating to submit them. So instead, have a completely new one, which incidentally is also work #444 on AO3.

444. Love you best when you are savage and bitter (Batman: The Telltale Series - John Doe/Harley Quinn, T; 500w)
Tags: Knifeplay and bloodplay of sorts
Summary: "What's that hideous thing you're wearin'?" she asks, face mirroring the disgust in her voice.

Sidenote: I've always wanted to use this challenge to create something outside of my comfort zone, but January so far hasn't been the right time for that. Let's see what January holds next year. In the meantime, I'll be continuing to write fic.

Day 1 * Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 7 * Day 8 * Day 9

Crossposted from dreamwidth.

#444, type: ficlet, character: joker, character: harley quinn, f: batman: the telltale series, dw: snowflake-challenge

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