Fandom Snowflake: Day 4 - Fannish Wish List

Jan 04, 2018 21:58

Day 4

In your own space, create a fannish wishlist. No limits on size or type of fanwork; just tell us what you’d like to see. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so. And if you grant a wish, do the same thing!

Basically reiterating my wish lists from the past, because some wishes are timeless.

  1. Coverart/banners. Like every year, I could use banners to post with my fic (like this e.g.). Could use
    1. one reading "monthly fic roundup" or some such (example)
    2. another one for Harley Quinn and different Harley pairings (Poison Ivy, Dinah Lance, Wonder Woman, Kate Kane, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Joker, etc.)
    3. one for Jason Todd, Dick Grayson as well as Dick/Jason
    4. one for The Raven Cycle/Kavinsky fic
  2. Pairing suggestions. I write a lot of shortfic for challenges/tumblr prompts, but often can't decide which pairing to tackle next. If you want to combine the suggestions with prompts,I have a pairing list on tumblr (mainly Batman/DCU and The Raven Cycle), and have started a prompt list on Google Spreadsheets.
  3. Recipients for random gift fics in the Batman/DCU fandom. I have a massive amount of ideas. Last year, I started a call for people who'd be interested in randomly receiving fic from me in fandoms we both enjoy. Knowing there are people I can gift my fics to on AO3 actually helped me get a lot more done.
  4. Links to character/pairing-specific prompts you might want to see me write. From comment-fic, fandom-stocking, kink memes, comment ficathons, that sorta thing, because I can’t be in all places at once.
  5. A writing buddy/enabler. Someone to talk to about my TRC and Batman/DCU ideas. Would also be happy to play ping-pong with your ideas. Love doing that.
  6. Comments on works that don't have comments yet. By which I mean all works out there, not only mine (though I'd be thrilled if anything spoke to you enough to leave one).
  7. Permission to remix DCU or TRC fic.
  8. Kindness and encouragement for other creative folk out there.

Crossposted from dreamwidth.

list: wishes, dw: snowflake-challenge

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