Fandom Snowflake Challenge - Day 7

Jan 07, 2017 18:15

Day 7

In your own space, create a fanwork. Make a drabble, a ficlet, a podfic, or an icon, art or meta or a rec list. Arts and crafts. Draft a critical essay about a particular media. Put together a picspam or a fanmix. Write a review of a Broadway show, a movie, a concert, a poetry reading, a museum trip, a you-should-be-listening-to-this-band essay. Compose some limericks, haikus, free-form poetry, 5-word stories. Document a particular bit of real person canon. Take some pictures. Draw a stick-figure comic. Create something.

I was just working on this when this post appeared. So here you go.

I've turned seething into a hobby (250 words) by crookedspoon
Fandom: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel
Additional Tags: Date Nights
Summary: Occasionally, Ivy regrets having agreed to doing couple-y things like going on dates. Occasionally, Harley makes it bearable.

Crossposted from dreamwidth.

character: poison ivy, p: harley/ivy, type: ficlet, character: harley quinn, dw: snowflake-challenge

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