The Middle East

Aug 17, 2024 14:52

It is 2:40 PM Saturday afternoon. It is 75 degrees and cloudy this afternoon. It is predicted to be a week of mild weather next week. We are coming to the end of another Summer.

I got up this morning around 6:45 AM. When I came upstairs I was once again greeted by Ollie (dog). Carol was sitting in the morning darkness messing with her phone. Josie was still sleeping, so was Cora. Our next door neighbor's dog Star started barking which made Ollie bark which then woke up Cora and Josie.

This morning Carol, Josie, Cora, and I all went out for breakfast. When we got home from a breakfast Carol and Josie soon left to go to the Holland Farmer's Market. Cora did not want to go, so she stay home with me.

Caleb and Emily picked up Josie, Cora, and their dog Ollie around 11:20 AM this morning. Carol and I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon hours getting the house back in order. I have been writing in my paper diary and reading from a used book titled, 'From Babel To Dragomans: Interpreting The Middle East' by Bernard Lewis.

There is not much else to report this afternoon. I am tired and plan to spend the afternoon drifting. Carol plans to lay down and take a nap.

This morning I was able to have devotions in my Cell, I read from a volume titled, 'The Psalms-A Christ-Centered Commentary' Volume 1 Introduction-Christ and the Psalms' by Christopher Ash. Last night I read before going to bed (Carol and the girls went to bed around 8:45 PM), 'From Babel To Dragomans: Interpreting The Middle East' by Bernard Lewis, 'The Glastonbury Romance' a novel by John Cowper Powys, and 'The Collected Stories of Mavis Gallant'.

I need to close now because I am extremely tired.

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