the return of the soul to the heavenly country

Aug 06, 2024 11:23

It is 11 o'clock AM late Tuesday morning on a cold, rainy, and dismal day. I am down in the Lower Level of our house waiting. Upstairs we have Emily's mother and her sister's two children plus Josie and Cora visiting till Noon. I came down here to gather my wit's. These days I have not felt good, because I have a birthday coming up. When I come to the end of another year of life I get inwardly sick. I find towards the end of another year I get sick of my life memories. I find these days my mind reviewing my Past and it makes me sick. It always amazes me how we can never escape our Past memories. We live always with all the things we have done and said throughout all our days. As a Christian I am thankful to know in my heart that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross for my sins Past Present and Future. I have been washed in the blood of the Lamb of God. Amazing grace how sweet the sound! that saved a wretched like me!

This afternoon I have a 1 o'clock PM a Session with my Psychologist. I do not know what we will talk about this afternoon. I am good at babbling on and on about nothing. I have spent years writing here in LiveJournal about nothing. It always amazes me how I can write about nothing. There is really nothing to write about. I am waiting it out in nothing space. I live by faith. The world is nothing to me. I am nothing, yet I take courage in knowing God loved me and died for me on the Cross of Christ.

I brought here to read if possible a book titled, 'Plans For Holy War; How The Spiritual Soldier Fights, Conquers, And Triumphs' by John Arrowsmith Translated By David C. Noe Edited And Introduced By Chad B. Van Dixhoorn [Writings Of The Westminster Divines].

Last night I read before going to bed from a novel titled, 'A Glastonbury Romance' a novel by John Cowper Powys.

So the morning goes by. I am tired as usual. I got up this morning around 8:30 AM. Carol got up at 4:45 AM. Carol goes to bed early and gets up early. My wife spends the early morning hours read her Bible and praying. I fail to pray for people outside of our family circle. If I was truly a prayer warrior I would be on my knees hours each day praying. The Bible commands us to pray without ceasing.

Well, I will close to feel sick and tired. I look to the Lord for grace to face nothing.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears re­lieved;
How pre­cious did that grace ap­pear
The hour I first be­lieved!

Through many dan­gers, toils and snares,
I have al­rea­dy come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has pro­mised good to me,
His Word my hope se­cures;
He will my shield and por­tion be,
As long as life en­dures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mor­tal life shall cease,
I shall pos­sess, with­in the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dis­solve like snow,
The sun for­bear to shine;
But God, who called me here be­low,
Will be for­ev­er mine.

When we’ve been there ten thou­sand years,
Bright shin­ing as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first be­gun.
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