pain of consciousness

Jul 05, 2024 14:54

It is 2:45 PM Friday afternoon here in West Michigan. It is 79 degrees and sunny this afternoon. It is humid so we have the air on to keep the house comfortable.

I got up this morning around 6:45 AM. When I came upstairs I found Carol dressed and ready to meet the troops when they landed. This morning Josiah, Hannah, Marika, and Lydia were coming here for breakfast before leaving for Chicago to catch a flight to Washington/their home. I spent the morning waking up and the troops landed around 8:30 AM. They left around 10 o'clock AM to drive to Chicago International Airport.

After the kids left Carol and I picked up the house. I then messed with our main computer later on this morning. This afternoon I have been reading when not falling asleep, 'Black Mass-Apocalyptic Religion And The Death of Utopia' essays by John Gray.

Today around Noon Caleb dropped off Cora, so she she is here till Emily comes home from work.

Last night is a blur for me. I do recall right now reading before going to bed, 'The Gaudy' a novel by J.I.M. Stewart. I also read yesterday, 'The Crazy Iris and Other Stories of the Atomic Aftermath' Edited and with an Introduction by Kenzaburo Oe. I will close to drift.
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