the triumphal illusions of the post-Cold war era

Jul 03, 2024 15:03

It is 2:50 PM Wednesday afternoon here in south western Michigan. It is 78 degrees and humid outside right now. Earlier today it rained and then it got steamy outside.

I got up this morning around 6:45 AM. When I came upstairs I found Carol in her Room working on her Woman's Bible Study/this morning she went to Woman's Bible Study at her church around 9:40 AM. Josiah, Hannah, Marika, and Lydia stopped by this morning for food.

I can't recall totally what I did this morning. I think I wrote in my paper diary and read my Reformation Commentary on Isaiah 1-39. I read my Reformation Commentary till 11:50 AM. Josiah came back from wherever they went to do laundry.

Carol got back from Woman's Bible Study around 12:15 PM. She did leave this afternoon to get food for the troops. She told me when she got home from a grocery store the store was packed! People buying food to feast on for the fourth of July American holy day.

This afternoon Josiah and I talked and I read off and on from a slim book titled, 'Sun and Steel' a memoir by Yukio Mishima. Last night I can not recall what I did or read. I think yesterday I mainly read, 'Black Mass-Apocalyptic Religion And The Death Of Utopia' essays by John Gray.

I hear Carol talking to Lydia and Josiah in our dining room. I will close since I am falling asleep.

Carol's Grandmother's house built in 1915 by her Grandpa-Cora, Nonie holding Lydia and Marika sitting on a porch

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