Just got back from getting Mexican food with Mike & Felix... had the best peach margarita ever. And I got a Flurry at McDonald's afterwards. They made me do my turkey impression 3 times before I left... don't ask. And then storm clouds were brewing, metaphorically, and I got out of there so I didn't have to witness the fight between them which has seriously been mounting for weeks now. Good luck with that, guys. For the most part though, it was a fun time.
Ok so me and
marijke1985 are really into sharing surveys & memes right now so I'm stealing this from her -- thanks! :)
01. Favorite curse word/phrase? shut your bitch ass mouth. or: fucking nuts.
02. Favorite color? green
03. Favorite sandwich? leftover thanksgiving turkey & cranberry sauce sandwiches.
04. Favorite character from a movie? Jack Sparrow (because, seriously, who is cooler?)
05. Favorite character from television? Dr. Gregory House (obvi)
06. Favorite country? to visit? US. England.
07. Favorite game show? Wheel of Fortune
08. Favorite talk show? no thanks.
09. Favorite cheese? extra sharp provolone
10. Favorite soft drink? mountain dew
11. Favorite quote? I can be a jerk to people I haven't slept with. I am that good. - Dr. House
12. Favorite musical artist(s)? Grant Lee Buffalo, Grant-Lee Phillips, Ryan Adams, Better Than Ezra, Scissor Sisters
13. Favorite song? how about one from each: "Crooked Dice", "Josephine of the Swamps", "Mockingbirdsing", "King of New Orleans", "Take Your Momma"
14. Favorite song to clean to? Take Your Momma always gets me pumped to do anything
15. Favorite guilty pleasure song? Anything on the Bat Boy soundtrack. Especially Comfort and Joy.
16. Favorite fast food? Chipotle, hands down.
17. Favorite awards show? Oscars
18. Favorite season? Fall
19. Favorite seasoning? salt
20. Favorite dog breed? pug
21. Favorite thing to order at Starbucks? grande mocha
22. Favorite thing to order at a Chinese resturant? lo mein or crab rangoon
23. Favorite boy band? no thanks
24. Favorite professional sports team? New England Patriots!
25. Favorite sport to watch? NFL football!
26. Favorite sport to play? bowling... I'm a loser.
27. Favorite book? Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice"
28. Favorite beer? Woodchuck
29. Favorite ice cream flavor? i'm really into mint chocolate chip right now
30. Favorite snack cake? ho hos!
31. Favorite cartoon? not really into cartoons
32. Favorite cable channel? Fox, just cuz House is on it.
33. Favorite Golden Girl? Blanch, the slutty one.
34. Favorite snow cone flavor? cherry I guess
35. Favorite candy? reese's peanut butter cups
36. Favorite movie? Pride and Prejudice (the A&E/BBC version w/ Colin Firth -- *not* the new one)
37. Favorite reality television show? American Idol
38. Favorite candle scent? Yankee Candle Autumn Lodge (discontinued... so sad)
39. Favorite word? seriously.
40. Favorite holiday? Christmas
41. Favorite myspace friend? Feex cuz he writes me messages.
42. Favorite web site? livejournal.com right now
43. Favorite term of endearment? hun. (although the way Jack Sparrow uses "love" makes me squee)
44. Favorite karaoke song? Come to my Window - Melissa Etheredge
45. Favorite month? September
46. Favorite city? Boston
47. Favorite Disney Movie? Pirates of the Caribbean 1 & 2. But if you want animated, it would be beauty & the beast
48. Favorite christmas song? Hark the Herald
49. Favorite dwarf? Not a big dwarf fan.
50. Favorite summer activity? going on vacation to Maine