(no subject)

Dec 04, 2004 23:57

[[ OOC: ***PLEASE READ*** These files are only available to professionals and the police. Only those investigating DEEPLY into Sasori's history would find these, as he has gone out of his way to bury them. ]]

Patient's Name: Takeashi Sasaki
Patient's Gender: Male
Patient's Date of Birth: December 31st, 1983

Patient's Father's Name: [NOT AVAILABLE]
Patient's Father's Date of Birth: July 14th, 1957
Patient's Father's Occupation: Doctor

Patient's Mother's Name: [NOT AVAILABLE]
Patient's Father's Date of Birth: April 23rd, 1965
Patient's Father's Occupation: N/A


Diagnosis: Sociopathic/psychopathic, obsessive-compulsive tendencies and kleptomania.
History: No history of mental illness in family.


August 1991: Committed. -Patient living with grandmother. Committed by force.
-Patient committed after dissecting three alley cats and arranging their intestines and organs. Grandmother states that Patient then turned the cats inside out and put the organs back in them, before bringing them to her for display.
-Patient has trouble controlling aggressive tendencies. Lashes out at several nurses. Prescription of lithium helps.
-Patient released. February 1992.

January 1995: Committed. -Patient living with grandmother. Committed by force.
-Patient committed after physically assaulting three of his fellow students. Patient bragged about the incident to school officials.
-Patient refuses communication.
-Patient refuses food.
-Patient placed in solitary confinement.
-Patient bound to bed after attempting to injure himself. Patient is given an IV to give him the nutrition he requires.
-Patient got out of the bounds and threw himself out of a second-story window after escaping his room. Sustained minimum injuries.
-Patient placed under constant surveillance.
-Patient begins therapy.
-Patient released. November 1995.

August 1997: Committed. -Patient received diagnosis of sociopath/psychopath through follow-up therapy. Director of Diagnostics confirmed.
-Patient put through experimental therapy at grandmother's request.
-Patient put in straitjacket.
-Patient beat himself to a concussion.
-Patient put in solitary confinement - no human contact.
-Patient broke the two-way mirror to use the glass to cut fingers and write on the wall. Messages in Japanese, not translated.
-Patient bound to bed with constant surveillance, medications added to (see doctor's note, insert)
-Patient makes a list of his own diagnostic factors:
Factor1: Aggressive narcissism
1.Glibness / superficial charm
2.Grandiose sense of self-worth
3.Pathological lying
4.Cunning / manipulative
5.Lack of remorse or guilt
7.Callous / lack of empathy
8.Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
9.Promiscuous sexual behavior
Factor2: Socially deviant lifestyle
1.Need for stimulation / proneness to boredom
2.Parasitic lifestyle
3.Poor behavioral control
4.Lack of realistic, long-term goals
7.Juvenile delinquency
8.Early behavior problems
9.Revocation of conditional release
-Patient makes a deal with nurse; she must forge a release paper for him in exchange for physical gratification. (Nurse fired)

September 2000: Committed. -Patient living on his own. Committed willingly.
-Patient committed himself, using past medical files and a list of medications as evidence. Reason for committing is unknown, as he has responded poorly in the past.
-Patient responding to therapy.
-Patient pushes therapist out of office window.
-Patient placed in solitary confinement.
-Patient refuses communication and food.
-Patient begins responding to video-communication therapy.
-Patient claims that therapist attempted to sexually assault him.
-Examination nullifies Patient's claims.
-Patient assaults three nurses.
-Patient placed in solitary confinement.
-Patient placed in group environment under restraints and supervision due to poor health.
-Patient rolls wheelchair down two flights of stairs, sent to hospital.
-Patient released from hospital after assaulting two doctors and twelve nurses.
-Patient put into solitary confinement until Patient's casts come off.
-Patient placed in straitjacket.
-Patient responds to therapy.
-Patient shows interest in engineering. OCD symptoms.
-Patient assaults therapist with a wrench used in a session.
-Patient placed in solitary confinement.
-Patient uses threats to make nurses do what he wants.
-Patient allowed only male nurses.
-Patient frequently beats his head against the wall in protest to above.
-Patient placed in straitjacket after assaulting three doctors.
-Patient responds to therapy.
-Patient released: July 2004.

medical file

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