POST, GUYZ. argument with Crawford. fight with Crawford. Adrian gets violent. Also poetic towards the end. infamously long argument with Crawford that goes nowhere. and Jack talk utilitarianism. It's why he's so fond of Jack. The "oh, yeah, I've had to make world altering decisions that involved some people dying." They also have sex, though I don't write it out, because I don't write porn., adjusting to a life of mundanity in Nautilus, begins to let his asshole personality show. Poor William Jesse. Because if Adrian were God, he would have done things the right way. and Maria bond over fashion tiemz. Adrian almost actually has FUN.'s first actual conversation with someone from Nautilus. Meaning he wasn't trying to be all PR-like, and the first time he actually admits to killing someone. To Rip, of all people. That was unexpected. Also, Adrian decides to make himself useful and help people to protect Nautilus. first time Adrian actually admits to hating people and not being able to connect with them because he's a distant bastard -- Rip bonding. She gives him a Bavarian doll, and it's rather sweet. He even comes close to telling her the extent of his murdering. talks to Jack, tells him all about how horrible he is, and Jack is just cool with it and gives Adrian more affection than he deserves. I was also just in the mood for long monologues.'s right Tony. Talk about your feelings with Adrian. He's a good guy, and he makes for an excellent therapist. Really, Tony. Really. is Rip so special?