why I'm not in bed yet

Nov 08, 2006 00:11

I'm not in bed yet because autumn won't come inside. she has been hunting some chipmunk or notion of a chipmunk for the past several weeks, and is acting as if tonight is the night. I'm also fed up with anger and frustration over the elections held today. I don't know how the hell people are supposed to feel as if they're living freely in this nation. we can't even seem to let gay people PRETEND to have rights in our state. it's not bad enough that they are already prevented from marriage in virginia; we have to amend the constitution to make it absolutely CERTAIN that they will continue to be discriminated against. nevermind the fact that the amendment is sweepingly against all unmarried persons, homo- or heterosexual. I'm taking personal offense at this and maybe I shouldn't be, but I do (no pun intended).

the main reason I am so offended is that the amendment wasn't even CLOSE to not passing. as of right now about 60% of the self-centered asshole voters in this state actually approved it. I would like to personally thank all of them, as well as all of the apathetic, "I care, but I don't really think I make a difference enough to sacrifice 30 minutes of my lunch hour today," folks for making virginia a more accepting and wonderful place to live. virginia IS for lovers, but only the heterosexual ones.

in protection of our sacred marriage, I would like to propose an amendment barring television shows from marrying people on supposed "reality tv." I think adulterers should be hanged next to saddam. they all corrupt our vision of the perfect marriage. except for that televangelist guy, he was just taken advantage of by one of those damned gays, he didn't know what he was doing.

GET OUT OF OUR FUCKING BEDROOMS. take responsibility for your politics and focus our state in a direction that benefits everyone instead of painting big red x's all over our faces. it doesn't matter what kind of sex you like, vanilla or "freaky", if you can't get more per hour than the weak-ass minimum wage around here, you can't even begin to afford a marriage and family. instead of allen saying, "yes, you all deserve more per hour - let's work toward raising minimum wage," he said, "no you damned gays and messicans and other brown people are ruining our marriages and taking away our shitty jobs that no white person in his or her right mind would take anyways. I will focus our attention toward the fact that you are here and we have to deal with you in the most self-preserving way possible. discrimination and exportation if possible!" great so now we will have a whole bunch of racist, bigoted white men and women in virginia still making SHIT for wages and no better off than they were before, only now we can put the other people down even further.

does that really raise us up? what the hell is so scary about the democrats anyways? if you really listen to what they have to say it ISN'T that different from what we're already hearing, but it can be more realistic. WE HAVEN'T RAISED THE FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE SINCE 1997. don't we all deserve a fucking raise at least once a year? especially if everything else is getting more expensive!? you expect people to live on nothing, and then blame the democrats for raising taxes that help PAY FOR THE SOCIAL PROGRAMS MANY OF THESE PEOPLE LIVE OFF OF! it's fucking ridiculous. I wish that george allen himself would spend a year, only one year, living the life of someone who is making under $10 an hour, even more than minimum wage, and he would know what it truly means to be poor. virginia currently is set at 5.15 an hour, the federal limit, whereas other more progressive states have a higher minimum, although cost of living in comparison should definitely be a factor. I can't imagine living in northern virginia and only making 5.15 - how could you, especially without some kind of federal aid? I guess we are supposed to be thankful there is a minimum wage in existance at all? yes, thank you!

I won't get started on the war because I honestly don't know enough about it to feel comfortable mouthing off about it. however, I do feel comfortable now saying that those terrorists have the wrong impression of our freedom. "they hate our freedom!" what freedom!? the freedom to not be mowed down on the street? ok maybe so. they can't hate the fact that we can be spied on at any moment for even saying the words "terrorism" or "do bad thing to president" on our phones. oh I bet they love the fact that we can legally discriminate against people for loving who they choose. how about our government's ability to take advantage of the weak minds so many of us have, and control them simply by using choice words like, "freedom; 'merica; and babies." maybe they're just jealous that our government controls it's people in such a sleeker, sexier way? maybe we just need to start shipping pot, porn and addictive substances over there to control the people the way we do in america?

I will blame jim webb for not being sexier on tv. neither he nor allen is sexy, but honestly, webb could have been sexier. yes if everyone had been bitten by the political bug maybe the election would have turned out differently. politics is marketing though, and it really felt like the whole country was vulnerable to credible folks that wanted to make a difference. I do believe webb wants to make a difference but I didn't get the impression that there was a fire directly underneath his ass to get it. where were all the ads against the marriage amendment? did I miss all the excitement? this area seemed to love mark warner and yet I don't remember hearing that warner and webb were coming to tech. they went to roanoke. there are a lot of liberal people here too!

we are to blame too. I am to blame. I didn't go to a moveon.org calling party like they asked me to. I didn't give money to the democratic party. and it doesn't feel as urgent as it does as soon as it's too late. when we're watching the polls and yelling at the television because we can't believe the vote went the other way. when we can't believe there are people in our world still who can't leave certain things alone. when I'm sitting here wondering why such a beautiful part of this nation is filled with people that don't see things my way, and how the hell am I going to get along beginning nov. 8? my life has not been directly, fully, affected by the horrible way our government has acted since 2000, but many others' lives have been. what does it take to mobilize me and all my neighbors who still may think the government stinks but not quite yet to that critical boiling point? where is V when we need him?

we need to get serious and take the responsibility for what has occurred the last 6 years (and beyond really). this shit will be on our hands, and no one else is going to change the course of our future. how the fuck are we going to take control of the chaos? how do we take control over our lives and ensure that our future will be the best it can be for us? what will it take to get these bigoted, rich fogeys out of office, and to elect leadership that truly has the best interests of not only virginians but the entire world on it's mind?

this long-winded entry brought to you by blu mar ten, semi-sweet chocolate chips, and tionio wine. please continue to support your local mp3 provider, independent grocery and wine and beer retailer.
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