Still waking

Oct 16, 2004 12:56

Yeah, so, I didn't post last night. I got off of work and wanted to go to Roy's to see how the party was going. I was still pretty upset about the events that had transpired earlier that day, but I went anyway. To my surprise, there were only a few people....all of them guys. "Alright," I thought, "I suppose this isn't so bad." It was Roy, Joey, Joe, D-Train, and Brian(Puma) when I got there. Larry, Jason, and Chariker showed up later. Jason brought a woman from Winthrop down. She was good looking, but, my personality didn't click with hers. Joey's, however, did.

Anyway, I got there, and I talked with everyone for a bit...they were playing Soul Caliber 2 on the Gamecube, but Roy only had 2 controllers. Larry showed up, and we gave him some cash for some booze, then I went back home for extra controllers. When I got back, we played Super Smash Brothers...only Jason, Roy, and myself were any good at it, though I think I had the most wins among the three of us by the time Larry got back with the booze. After that, it was a typical drinking party....useless things were said, and there was laughing over....well, stupid things. Roy played some game that starred Gackt (gah, I dislike him :P ), and it was incredibly flashy to watch while slightly inebriated.

Unfortunately, I must prepare myself for work again. Going at 2. Still have an 8 page History paper due on Tuesday that I haven't started yet, and States is next week, so I need to prepare for that. There is also the issue I have with....well, all the ladies that hang out in the lobby of the 410 building, but, thats a story for another time.
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