Yippy-kay-YAY MOTHERF-ummmmmm...furries?? LOL

Sep 03, 2008 11:25

Yay, I'm back online.....well, somewhat LOL

Anyways, quick recap here...in point form =3

-End of July/beginning of august was a really busy day and month for me....moving to a new place, preparing for Feral, etc.
-crazy situations from moving into new place like new bus schedules, new locations, new surroundings...all that jazz =3
-Feral arriving quicker than ever, so lotsa preparations and Feral insanity between Feral Staff, well, not really heh
-Feral!...lotsa and lotsa fun, despite having to jump into a cold lake in the morning, than having to walk wet in the cold air to con ops LOL oh and not to mention being pushed and thrown into same lake as well LOL but it was still fun =3
-Still Feral!, met lotsa old friends like halex and made new friends like Pesquinox =3
-End of Feral for the year, lotsa sadness...but memories are still in us...oh, and I won the cabin skits for my cabin (damn you potoroo and wolfgrowl for leaving it up to me)
-Feral Dead Dog, fun and relaxing...but when it was done lots of sleepy and tired furries evrywhere
-After Feral, got to visit artimas , jafra , takitapup , breve_pup 's new place...very pretty, and a hot tub =3
-Finally at home after a week of crazy furry stuff
-My adventures aren't done yet...

Heh, that's the gist of my August month =3 I'll be making a proper Feral con report later, once my own computer is set up and I can revel you all in my vast description of my time at Camp Feral =3 Plus pictures...ooh, and drawings, and something new too....a furry plaque that both Zakkun and I conjured up =3

So yeah, yay =3
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