Jul 07, 2008 05:22


Anyways, enough silly shouting for now =3 I am finally home after Anthrocon and visiting and staying over at Gideon's and Astor's pad for about a week =3 and let me tell all y'all...I am super duperity tired....which is weird 'cause I'm usually a fluffball with boundless energy...meh, I'll catch my second wind quickly enough =3

So, I'm not going to go into full detail yet on my big trip to the U.S., 'cause one's like...5: 30 in the morning and i haven't slept home at around 12:30....around midnight, let's go with that =3

So yeah, brief summary...loads and loads of fun...met a bunch of old friends i made last year, and met a bunch of new friends this year too...yay for friends =3 I admit, got a bit tipsy and drunk on several occassion's, yay for being 21...kind of =3 um...what else...*shrugs* had lotsa fun and did more "con things" that people would do at cons...i guess =3

Anyways, I'm going to stay up a bit more before crashing for the rest of the day =3

Have fun and keep safe y'all =3

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