To AC or Not...who the hell knows LOL

Jun 18, 2008 21:03

Can't tell if it's just my frustration for the upcoming pain-in-the-ASS week that's going to hit me, or if it's just mixed emotions right now, but honestly, I'm not 100% sure I wanna go to Anthrocon this year. I'm going to LJ cut this 'cause it's kind of long LOL

I know usually the last couple or THE last week before Anthrocon is always stressful, but my stress isn't even going to involve any type of preparations for AC....more work, family and...well....birthday situations that cause me to go all "GRRRRRRRRR!!! I KILL ALL PEOPLE!!!!" mode.

Now, I know what you're probably going to say or are thinking, I can relax at AC...well yeah, that's true, not to mention that I'll be able to see friends whom I can only see at events like these ( I can name a couple, but I'll spare them the embarrassment ) but honestly though, with what I'm going through right now, almost half of me kind of doesn't want to go anymore...just like a kind of "forget it and drop it until it's done" sort of thing, regardless of the 2 good situations i mentioned earlier in this paragraph...I dunno.

Heh, I said before, this could be just because of the situations I mentioned earlier...mainly the birthday one LOL I admit....June 19th is my birthday, well, tomorrow =3 and ever since I can remember, all my previous birthdays have been not so good...only one I can remember being good was my 18th birthday and that was it, why? 'cause it was just about the only time I got to spend time with a special friend of mine....after that....not really on my birthday...oh and it also doesn't help that I'm turning 21 either...I know, you all probably wanna strangle me to death than beat my bones to dust for saying that. Anyways, back to what I really sucks that my birthday is a week away from Anthrocon...I don't get to spend much time with friends 'cause they're busy getting ready for Anthrocon...sure I can spend or celebrate my birthday at AC, but it's somewhat not the same, I'm traditional, gotta celebrate it on the day LOL stupid birthdays...oh well, what can one do?? heh, write an emo-post about it on their livejournal i guess LOL

Anyways, back to the real subject on Anthrocon or not...*shrugs* eh, i dunno...the probability of me going to AC are higher than the option of not going....promised a lot of people I was going to go, gotta see kiallamraptor 's, can't leave artimas by himself, gotta introduce and show off potoroo to everyone and, I gotta leg-grab-hold kylet...oh and bother him too at his dealer's table LOL

We'll see though, I've got a week to decide anyways...heh, maybe i'll just decide not to go on the last minute LOL Who knows >=3
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