Spooky Update

Oct 31, 2007 09:12

I love the word "Spooky".  Not sure why, it's just fun to say =)

Life has been pretty eventful in the last little while and it's surprizing that I haven't had any of my long winded posts to update the world on the Life of Crono.  Well the lull has come to an end and so out comes my most recent novel.

First off, I had a great birthday!  =)

The first part of the celebration was at The Vibe last Wednesday and it was a lot of fun!  It was a nice tame celebration where quite a few friends came out.  Thank you to everyone!  It was a good night to relax and hang out.  As if the birthday celebration wasn't enough we were treated to some rather amusing entertainment as well.  An older woman, probably in her 40's was wandering around the club looking rather unhappy.  I was sitting at the door with a bunch of people and she walked by wispering something unintelligible and walked off.  I approached her asking her to repeat what she said and it turns out she was extremely unhappy with the music and the service she had received.  I asked her to explain what had happened and she said that the bar staff were treating her like shit and that the DJ (Berbs) was being a bitch to her.  She wanted to speak with managment so I informed her that I was incharge of the night and asked her to explain everything that had happened.  Apparently the DJ would not play her requests.  I apologized and explained that the DJ's who play here do not take requests.  They are performing artists who play their own music to create their own sound, Denny jumped in as well supporting my explanation but she still did not understand this and said that DJ's should always play people's requests, that's their job and continued to bitch about the club and it's staff.  In an attempt to make amends I offered to buy her a drink but she refused and stormed off.

We all chuckled about this for a bit and I later found out that the bartender had attempted to kick her out earlier.  I also found out that she had been requesting "Red Red Wine" from Berbs.   The entertainment didn't stop there however as Steph found her in the washroom apparently talking to herself over and over again.  After hearing this I went to get security but as I was leaving she came out of the washroom and walked into the club and wandered around.  We found her stealing costers from all the tables and putting them in her bag.  We kept an eye on her for most of the night but she didn't really cause any more trouble...well...not much that is.  Later on while I was watching the door I felt something touch my pocket.  I looked down and saw that the woman had the strap attatched to my keys and was pulling me towards her.  Startled by this I asked if I could help her and she leaned in and wispered that she wanted to dance with me and started pulling me towards the dancefloor.  I resisted saying that I had to watch the door but she continued to plead.  After getting firm with her she backed off and went back to the dancefloor alone.  She didn't cause any more problems for the rest of the night.

Strange woman indeed.

Part two of the celebrations took place at Pharaohs and was a fantastic night!  Thank you everyone who came out!  I hope you all had a good time, I sure did!  =)

After living the life of a "Light Weight" with alcohol consumption I am usually quite scared of birthdays, people buy you drinks and generally try to get you hammered which results in getting sick and hang overs.  Neither of which is fun but both are quite inevitable when I drink in excess.  Surprizingly though I not only impressed myself but everyone around as well!  Not only did I not get sick but I managed to hold down more booze then ever!

4 or 5 shots of Jag

4 or 5 shots of Sourpuss

1 or 2 Sex on the Beach

1 Godfather

1 Mystery Shot

2 or 3 Dirty Hookers

***note*** Exact numbers are impossible to recall, mostly cuz the night itself is impossible to recall...

It's been proven that Tequlia is the Crono Killer which leads me to saying Thank you to everyone for adhering to the NO TEQUILA rule =)

Needless to say that the next morning was pretty rough, but all was well within a couple hours.

Thank you again to everyone, this was an excellent birthday!

Saturday was spent running some errands with Leigh.  We picked up a new fish for our tropical tank.  It is a Farawella Catfish (or something like that).  Basically it's a twig with fins hehe.  He is so long and so skinny...we've named him Twiggy.  It was quite upsetting to pass along the legendary name but it's probably for the best.  He'll make better use of it then I will.

Later that day I went over to the venue for SCREAM and help set things up.  It was a lot of work but the show came together and appeared to be a great success.  There were a lot of great costumes there, Leigh definitly had one of the best and it's funny because it was so simple.  My original costume sadly fell through, but it was probably for the best as we had to wait in line to get in and it was freezing.  The original costume would not have fared well outside.  I'm still waiting for one of the peices to come in the mail...seems like it's taking forever!  Maybe I'll dress up in it for another show coming up.  =)

SCREAM went pretty well overall.  The sound was great the security was tight, people appeared to be having a great time.  All in all it was a pretty decent night.  But nothing spectacular.  Preach was very dissapointing.  His tracks sounded too similar and only broke out from that monotone sound a few times.  His track selection (for the most part) was quite dull and uninspiring.  It was like techno, slowed way way down.  His tricks were alright, some were on and others were off.  A couple left the tracks sounding like a giant trainwreck.  His mixing was around the same, just average.  Some were one, some were off.  He could easily be outspun by several of our locals.  Overall Preach gets a huge - Meh.  Rank 1 on the other hand was very impressive.  He was surpzingly hard and dark, very different from the last couple times I had heard him.  Great track selection, mixing was bang on.  Not much for tricks but that's ok, his tracks and mixing made up for that.

That's basically it for the weekend.  It was a good one =)

Other random updates include -

1) I've started to play around with Reason some more and am slowly getting into it.  I love going to the propellerheads site and listening / watching tracks that others have created.  It's cool to hear how much potential Reason has.

2) We may be getting our Bearded Dragon a little earlier then expected.  Someone posted online that they're moving and need to find a new home for their Dragon.  $150 gets us the lizard and everything it needs.  Not bad considering the start up price for these is over $400!  We haven't fully decided yet but it's looking positive.  We'll see what happens.

3) Essential Wednesday Halloween Bash is tonight.  I'll be doing a House tag set with Adam, following us is f/64, Darian James, Alucard and then Dubbz.  We carved some pumpkins for the club last night and are going early to decorate.  I gotta find a costume though.  Should a be fun night!

That's it for now!
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