Desire. Reality, part 18

Oct 12, 2008 21:58


One simple two-syllable word means so much, yet so little. It's both what we need, and what we need to pass up. It's a driving force, and a reason for relaxation. Hope and fear; love and hate.

The goal with desire is to realize what is really important, and pass up the rest. If you try to pursue all you desire, happiness will never be achieved - and happiness should be the ultimate desire.

However, it's also easy to lead life with a complete lack of desire. Easy just to go through the motions, not letting desire threaten your peaceful existence. Quit and become content.

Recent events in my life have caused me to question what are my true desires; what's really important. Have I been chasing the shiny just because it's shiny? Am I continuing on towards the path towards happiness? Is the reason I'm feeling miserable based on true desire, or am I just trying to just get all of everything?

The more I think about it, the more I believe I'm on the right track.

Sure, it's hard to give up someone or something you desire. It's hard to ask "how does this fit in some overall plan I have" when lust takes hold. However, sometimes other events help make the decision easier. While these may bring pain and suffering in the short term, they help in the reflection process.

Age and experience help the process. Learn from mistakes and events. Try not to repeat what was unsuccessful in the past. Sure, it may work this time, but it will most likely be more of the same.

For once I feel the decisions in my life are skewing in the right direction. Now, the decisions of others around me need some work. Hopefully they correct themselves without any involvement from me.


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