Jul 10, 2006 20:22
Geez why couldn't having an LJ be like a normal blog-ish website with cutenews? The coding for the overrides are confusing as heck so I have to stick with an icky plain layout. But I don't mind as much. Simple and clean. <3 Soo I got my LJ open after a billion years. Lets throw a party! :D *cirus music*
My head hurts. A lot. Too much. *cries* Today is like deja vu for me, seriously. During lunch time, I started remembering stuff from our old apartment. I don't know why... when I was taking a shower too. I started having all these weird memories coming back to me and it seemed like a lot of things were replaying again. Maybe I'm just stupid? xD
I have to work on my vectors and make a layout for my weird site. I never have time these days because of my dumb homework. D: *stabs homework*
Anyway if you "concidently" found my LJ and want to become friends with me, I would love you. XD I am so lonely right now. *weeps* Naw j/k
Aaaand my feels like a chicken stuffed in a cannon ball. I'll lay down for a minute. @_@ Bye.