I mean, seriously. What a jerk this guy is.
I mean, he blames Mia's death on Phoenix. And he blamed Maya's going missing in 3-5 on Phoenix. He's blaming everything that went wrong with those two on PHOENIX WRIGHT. A guy that had nothing to do with either of those thing. Just because he's bitter and needs SOMEONE to blame.
Phoenix didn't even know Redd White. He didn't know that Mia was researching him, either. He had no clue. So how exactly is it his fault that Redd killed her?
And Maya. Phoenix sure as hell didn't lock her in the cavern. And he didn't sign her up for the training in the first place. Pearls did. I'm not blaming her, either. I'm blaming fate. Yeah, that little thing you can't prevent. Shit happens, and Godot's just gotta learn that you can't always blame a person for shit that happens.
In reality I should be blaming the game designers for everything, but that wouldn't be much fun, now would it?
And here's what's ticking me off the most. The guy killed Misty. He had to, and I'm sure Misty didn't mind. After all, drastic circumstances call for drastic measures. SO WHY IN THE SAM HILL IS HE TRYING TO BLAME IT ON MAYA AFTER HE FRIGGEN ADMITTED EVERYTHING? Seriously, he basically admitted that he had known abut the plan, had two accomplices, wanted Iris to take the fall if shit got out of hand...and he still says oh btw Trite you can't prove I did it LOL. What an asshole.
Yeah, I'm sure he's doing it to test Phoenix, and see if he's a good lawyer and everything, but COME ON. Is this really the time and place to do that? Are these really the proper circumstances?
I know I'm probably the only Gyakutard that doesn't like Godot... But I seriously can't bring myself to like this guy.
And it's not like I've always hated him. Just since 3-5. In the first two cases with him, he was awesome. And hilarious. And when he was Diego, he was so nice to Mia. But I'm guessing he got scarred after he woke up and realized she was dead, so that's why he's an asshole now. And I realize that I should feel sorry for him because of that, and I do... But there is no excuse for being an all-out asshole. None. I mean, does he really think Mia appreciates him accusing her disciple of letting her get murdered and her sister go missing?