I feel sorry for all that has happened yet. My dears friends, all will be well in times to come. you have my word on that. If only I could tell you of such dreams that can be. Seeing as how to I can't try to imagine such a world. It is a world of beauty. Go inside and have a little bit of fun. Smell the roses, they are scented like skunk. Not all
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...i have been thinking and thinking what to say to you, but i rather say it to you when i know who u are, so for now i save my energy. i will say this, you must not know me as well as you think you do because if you did you would know i would never intentionally hurt someone. Apparently i hurt you...but is that Chris' fault? No it’s mine. so if it’s a fight you want pick it with me, not Chris he deserves none of this.
I think you should know how wrong you are about Chris, he’s an absolutely amazing person, i love him for who he is and nothing you could ever say or do could ever change my mind. I don’t know if your words of anger were from jealously or something else, but they’re all untrue.
i do have so many things i need to say to you, but unlike you when i have something to say, i say it to their face...i’m giving you that amount of respect, respect u dont deserve from me, i only wish you would return the favor. This fight is between three people…u made this more than it had to be, If you have a problem with Chris and i, dont hide behind your fear, anger, sorrow or what ever it may be. You need to grow up and realize what you’ve said and take it like a man.
If you do want to talk to me u should know were to find me, but until then reflect on what I’ve said.
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