Moving on...

Oct 16, 2005 17:23

I freaking love my new role at work. I really get a kick out of teaching people stuff. I've always said that I regretted my career choice and I never felt fulfilled in what I do, but for the first time I ever, I feel quite fulfilled. I would've loved to have been a counselor or something like that, just to try and make a difference. I felt that was what was missing in my life. But I do enjoy and I think I have a knack for explaining certain things. I'm not saying it's as worthwhile as saving lives or changing the way people live their lives, because that's just ridiculous... but when you teach someone something and they really appreciate it, it kinda makes you feel good. Anyone who works and teaches someone something, no matter how small it is, knows what I'm talking about it.

I found out that one of my close friends at work is quitting. We get on great and she's amazing, but it's a shame I'll probably never see her that much, if not again, simply because she lives an hour away. I had thought of asking her out at one point, but I don't have the self confidence and I fear rejection - a lethal combination - so it's just in my self-deprecating nature to leave that situation alone.

On the very good side, my friend recovered from his operation after removing the brain tumor. The "only" thing he suffered was the complete loss of hearing in one ear, but it looks like all the cancer is gone and he has full use of his nerves and facial muscles, so it really was a blessing. I'm so happy, and we've talked a lot more lately, so I'm really glad for that.

Recently I've been going to sleep listening to music. I used to find it hard to do that, I needed complete silence, but I find that now I get a much more peaceful night's sleep if I fall asleep listening to one of my CD's. I can't do without music now, I don't really know what changed with me in regards to music. All throughout high school, all my friends would buy all these CD's and I'd kinda just scratch my head and wonder why. I was never into music until a few years ago. I remember when we had projects in music class regarding our favorite bands, I just had to force myself to listen to the radio because I just had no interest in doing it. I'd probably say I've bought about 100 CD's in the last two years, which is actually quite disturbing. It's getting as bad as a crack habit. Not that I'd know about a crack habit. But I have an extremely weird taste in music. I don't really like R&B. I definitely don't like Country. I don't really like heavy or death metal. I just like hard rock, but I also like emo acoustic type music. Eh, call me a pansy, which most of you do anyway... but to me the best music are by artists like Damien Rice, Jeff Buckley, Ben Harper, etc... music where you can feel something. That's music where most people my age just aren't supposed to like. Another thing, I don't tend to like music based on the lyrics. I mean yeah, some songs people obviously like because of the lyrics, but to me it's more important if it has a good tune and a good accompaniment, and obviously a good voice. I couldn't even tell you what half of my favorite songs are about. Maybe that's me not appreciating the music properly, but I dunno. All I know is that I couldn't survive without music anymore, I spend most of my free time listening to it.

I have so much more I want to say about life and certain things, but it seems pointless to do it here. I've already wasted enough of your time that you'll never get back.
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