It's been a while, so...time for a Croik Update! In list form!
The Good
-I've been making Frisbees Flying Sports Discs for 90 days now, so today I got to fill out papers for health insurance! And I get dental and vision, too! SCORE
-I got my brother a job at the plant too, so for the next few weeks he's living with me and TK to save up money. I now have access to his Wii and the single Wii game that interests me. I also made a Lt. Carter Blake Mii when he wasn't looking.
-I got Super Street Fighter IV!
gyakusai_rp is fighting strong and the disbarment is only two days away! It's pretty ridiculous how much fun the anticipation is.
The Bad
-My worst work-related fear was realized the other day, but it didn't happen to me: a co-worker of mine accidentally tripped his machine while his hand was still under the stamping iron. He was lucky not to break any fingers, but they took him to the hospital with second degree burns! I wasn't there to see it or anything but it's really freaky. Poor guy :(
-I am terribly behind updating CR >.>;; And writing, and the quilt I'm working on, and cosplay (though I did get the fabric!). Blah too many projects. Need more time.
-I suck at Super Street Fighter IV!
-Kinda want to advertise
courtroomlobby, kinda scared of it becoming DR-ish. You people reading my LJ, check it out! (psst it's an open RP comm for AA)
-Ong Bak 2 was an extreme disappointment.
The Wave
I actually finished this a while ago but it took time to get my room together and clean enough to take a proper picture.
It took a few weeks but most of the paint was bought in sample sizes, so it was cheap, and I think it came out pretty good! What do you think?
It's neat because the mirror on the wall across from it isn't entirely stable, so when it shakes it looks like the wave is moving...!
Ahhhhh so sleepy.