Feb 04, 2009 21:49
So I played the RE5 demo earlir and DIED, HORRIBLY. This is nothing new, I have always sucked at any kind of shooting game that isn't Dante (which isn't a shooting game so much as a shoot-everything game). I sucked at RE4 too. BUT...that won't stop me from playing it and dying lots.
It was kind of funny playing the demo because it was the same as the first playable demo Capcom showed off at Captivate last spring (except that co-op hadn't been worked in yet). Finally getting to play it after having been one of the first "civilians" to see it in action was really neat. I'm not sure yet how to feel about the co-op thing. On the one hand I can't aim for shit so it's nice to have a second person around, and the AI seemed halfway decent, but on the other I know it's going to suck up at some point (ally AI always does). I'm also too chicken to play the co-op online knowing I'd be a horrible partner XD;; Half the topics on the gamefaqs board already are people bitching about their partners sucking.
I don't want to hold anyone back! :(
It also makes me a little disappointed that I never kept up with the series from the beginning, so most of the canon is beyond me. I really liked Leon and I assume he and Chris fit together somehow*, and that Chris has a backstory I'm supposed to be familiar with going into this, but I'm not about to go hunting for RE1. Is there some kind of compilation out? Or like, a really good wiki article?? I hate being out of the loop!
*(And no, I don't mean in a slash way. Seriously!)