What's Croik been doing!?

May 05, 2008 22:56


I need to keep up D:

I'm doing great lately. Haven't finished my cosplay yet... but I just finished a book today, so I'm giving myself tomorrow off to get the vest out and really do some work. Got Sculpy clay to do the badge, and right now I'm trying to mod some old shoes of mine to use... Not sure if they're going to work out, but if not I might have to resort to black 'cause I'm trying not to spend more money than I already am on this trip. Other than the haircut I'll need, but that's what Borics is for.

Got some good news on the house TK and I put an offer on - they still need to work things out with their bank, but it's looking like they're planning on accepting the offer flat out instead of countering. If the bank gives a green light, we'll get a great deal :D

Though most of my time lately has been spent with my new PSP and the FFT remake (when I'm not working with my porn, of course. I'll do an update post on work later...)

In case anyone wasn't aware, FFT (the original) is my favorite game of all time. I played it right when it came out and instantly fell in love. It's one of the only games I own that I can play over and over and never get tired of, and Delita is still probably my favorite video game character of all time. ENDING AND ALL. Internet fandom wasn't quite the monster it is now back then, so I don't have as much fic and such to show for it as I do others, but the one fic I do have was my first attempt at "adult" writing (though it's barely a soft R XD;;;). I'm not linking it because it's bad now, shut up :P

Anyway, when I heard they were coming out with a remake - 10 years later, geez - I couldn't be more thrilled. But buying a PSP just for one game seemed kind of silly, even for a remake of the best game ever. Of course, just recently more awesome games started coming out, and TK bought me one <3333 And then my brother got me FFT (and Patapon, which is also awesome). So at last, I can play the remake :D :D :D :D

Right now I'm beefing up my soldiers before taking on the battles leading to Riovanes. Anyone familiar with the game knows what I mean when I say my Ramza isn't ready for it XD;;; But that's what grinding is for. So far I've enjoyed the game a great deal, as I always do. Every time I go through I try to come up with a combination that's a little different, and at the moment I have a Priest who is also a master Mediator and wields a gun (I know, it's White Mage and Orator now, but oh well). I just turned my master Wizard into a Knight in hopes of getting him to Dark Knight status, just for the sake of doing it, because it looks like a pretty pointless class to me. But I'm doing it anyway. I'm thinking of making Luso a Lancer...

But anyway, as far as it being a remake goes, I've got praise and complaints, of course. The slowdown isn't much of an issue for me, nor the reduced audio quality, since I usually play handheld games with the sound off. The new art style for the movies is fantastic, and though Ramza's voice irks me to death, Delita and Agrias sound great. Square needs to do another game in the same style, STAT.


The one thing that has me down about the game is the script.

Yeah yeah, cry moar you elitist bitchho, I know. I'm glad they decided to re-translate the script. What I *don't* like is that whoever did it went compleeeeeeetely over the top with their old Englishisms. Everyone describes it as "making it sound more like FFXII" but there's a REASON Alex O is credited with two of the best localization efforts in all of video games: he makes them sound old but still natural. FFT just doesn't sound natural to me. Especially early on in the game, hearing 15 year old Ramza spout his medieval nonsense is just totally contrived. When everyone is speaking like a poofy ninny it takes away a bit of their character. I really wish they would have toned it down.

And of course, the names. YES, I KNOW, I'M CLINGING TO A DEAD PAST. But seriously, what's the point of changing Algus to Argath TEN YEARS AFTER THE FACT!? Unless there's some super secret document stating what all the names were SUPPOSED to have been romanized, hidden from the fandom all these years, there's no way that Argath is a more suitable romanization of "arugasu" than Algus. Or Barbaneth from Balbanes. Sure, I guess you could argue they're equally correct, but when faced with a character who has existed in fandom for a full decade, what's the point of changing it? If it's not more accurate, why!? And what's so wrong with "forest" and "hill" and "swamp" that they have to be changed to "weald" and "tor" and whatever the hell Zigolas was changed to. Fenlands? What IS that!?

It's not more authentic this way. It's just more camp. And the last thing FFT needs is CAMP.


Of course, it's not stopping me from enjoying the game, because in my head nothing has changed. Whenever I cast "Divine Ruination" it's still "Holy Explosion" to me. It will always be Algus, and Radd, and Teta to me. IT WILL ALWAYS BE "BLAME YOURSELF OR GOD" TO ME.

The next question is...what about Vagrant Story? DO IT, SQUARE, REVIVE MY FANDOM ;-;

If Square is really serious about developing the Ivalice Alliance as a franchise...it means both joy and tears for me. Joy because there's a chance of awesomeness, like a Vagrant Story remake, or a sequel to FFXII that doesn't suck. But to get there, we'll probably have to endure more Tactics Advances and half hearted suck-sequels like Revenant Wings. My only hope is the small contingent of people who don't suck still left at Square will shield themselves from Nomura's influence and keep making good games.

They should just go all out and do the Zodiac Brave story - the original, the bases of Ivalice's history in FFT. For PS3 <3333

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Back to grinding~

goddamnit square, psp, fft, rants

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