The other day I finally beat Assassin's Creed (PS3 version) and I have to it was pretty damn awesome. Whatever Yahtzee had to say about it, I thought the "faffing about" was just as fun as the assassinations, I never got bored of climbing viewpoints and stealth-killing drunks, and the Sci-Fi elements were a fun touch. I thoroughly enjoyed all of it, even though...I'm not so good at the actual assassinations. It took me like 3 kills in a row to fully grasp the concept that a throwing knife is not enough to take down your primary target.
They have thicker necks or something :(
The only thing that bugged me about the game was that there wasn't some kind of manual save option. Everyone says that it saves at the important parts anyway so there's no reason to have one, but that's a filthy lie! It never saves when you're outside the Animus, so more than once I left ye old Crusade, listened to Vidic ramble for entirely too long, and the quit... only to have to listen to Vidic ramble on again. One little save spot in Desmond's room would have solved that.
I also have the feeling that I didn't follow the plot nearly as well as I should have been. For some reason, no matter how much I turned up the volume and turned down the background music, I always had a hard time catching what everyone was saying. Which was maybe a good thing, because when I finally caught on I thought the plot was kind of weak. "Sacrifice personal freedom for a warless, ordered society!" Come on, we've all heard that one before. Some people complain about the Sci-Fi interferring with the plot, but I say there wouldn't be a plot worth paying attention to if not for those segments.
Plus, allusions to aliens, woooooo~~~~
Anyway, I really enjoyed the game and I highly recommend it. Though I am curious to know if the 360 version had any frame rate problems...? I never noticed that the game did on my PS3 until I scaled to the very top of the tallest church in Acre, and suddenly the frame rate jumped like crazy, and for all of 20 seconds Altier was gorgeous. Anyone else experience this?
Good lord I hope the sequel is in ancient Japan or ancient Egypt or Peru or something. The blood glyphs all over the room at the end of the game made me squeal like a little girl. But does that mean it wouldn't be Altier anymore? I don't care, if I get to play a ninja assiassin running around an Edo that's as well constructed as Damascus was. EEEEE!
I'm also going to be participating in the
Countdown to Apollo Justice Playthrough. Since I've already played GS4 most of my blog-thoughts are probably going to center on Phoenix, and how his actions in the first trilogy relate to Hobohodo's in AJ: especially the negative aspects of Phoenix's character that a lot of people seem to gloss over when complaining about how different and "immoral" he becomes by GS4. It's been a long time since I played through the first game, and I'm really looking forward to it!
fandomsecrets...ABOUT ME!!! TWO OF THEM!! Well actually
This one isn't about me, but that's my RP account used. I'm totally signing up over at
pwdressingroom as the seme-est Edgey that ever seme'd. But this one is such a thing of beauty I can't stop being tickled by it:
But it's got huge GS4 spoilers plastered all over it. If you don't want to click, the gist of it is someone admitting that not only do they ship Kristoph/Klavier Gavin (whom I and
gefrierpunkt play over at
gyakusai_rp), but THEY SHIP CROIK/GEF!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!
That's got to be some weird level of BNF when people start shipping you with other living people. SERIOUSLY. So much better than having hate threads about you. BTW the actual post is
(btw I'm really not trying to make Kristoph gay for his brother, really! 8D~~~)