Title: The Stein Job
chosenfire28Type: Mostly gen (heist-fic)
Word Count: 18,400
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Cobb/Mal, Arthur, OCs
Warnings Violence
Summary: Cobb wasn't always known as the greatest extractor in the business. In the early days of his criminal career he had to fight to gain respect not only from clients, but his fellow extractors.
When Columbia Industries hires him to sell out one of those fellows, he chooses to walk the dangerous line between completing the job as a snitch and maintaining his honor among the thieves. With Mal's death still too fresh in his mind and struggling with a cantankerous new team member, not even the ever-dependable Arthur is enough to help Cobb finish this job smoothly.
Notes: This is a sister-fic to Eustacia Vye's The Meier Job. The fics are self-contained so reading both isn't necessary to enjoy them, but you'll get more out of them if you do! C&C welcome.
If you've read my other Inception fics you'll recognize one of the OCs, but this fic is not directly related to The Paradox Job or Hearing Hoofbeats.
Many thanks to my beta,
tanithkitty, and my artist
chosenfire28, for taking my fic on in addition to all the work she's already done for this challenge. I appreciate you both so much!
Part 1 |
Part 2A03 Master Art Post The Meier Job