Biiiiiiiiiig Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaang

Oct 16, 2011 09:54

IBB just had its second check-in. I think I'm doing okay at this point. A while back I calculated that I need to write at least 500 words a day in order to pass 20k on both fics, and that hasn't been a problem, but I'm 11k in on #2 and it's going to need a looooooot more. Probably time to put my focus back on #1 and get that squared away, then just plow away on #2. Now that Yuletide's finally been announced I'll have to make some time for that, too, but those never take long (it's usually a 2 or 3k deal for me). I'll just have to be careful about what I sign up for. Won't have time to replay Drakengard this year, lol.

I finished The Somnambulist and now I need recs for books that don't suck. Anyone got a good mystery? Horror? Period-something-or-other?

And then there's fucking tumblr! Sucking me into Avengers fandom. But even besides the BBs there are still Inception fics I want to do; I don't think I'll be completely out of the fandom for a long while yet. There just might be some Loki/Cap on the side!

Man LJ feels so dead these days.

big bang, inception

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