We're back, with screenshots and canon interpretation! Are you ready for this!?
When we last left our hero (Eames) he was sobbing internally over unresolved familial turmoil. And by that I mean, I posted this gif:
So now, let's talk about LIMBO not that I have any invested interest in convincing anyone as to my theories on Eames and limbo, pfft
Cobb screws the team. And while Cobb guilt-faces in every direction, and Ariadne flaps like a poor confused fishy, and Arthur whines about Cobby betraying them and Yusuf tries to pass the buck back to Cobb and Saito just does a lot of bleeding and wincing, we have: Eames.
During the "wuh oh, limbo" scene I think it's interesting to note that out of the team, Eames is the one most concerned with the actual limbo aspect. Arthur and Yusuf are much more concerned with pointing fingers and Ariadne, after getting over the initial shock, focuses back on Cobb and finding a way to help him in order to neutralize at least some of the threats facing them. But while Eames is obviously pissed at Cobb he doesn't waste as much time as Arthur beating Cobb up over it--he's asking "how long will we be stuck?" "what do we do?" followed by "fuck it I'm out." And of course, towards the end of the movie Eames makes it clear he's not risking himself falling into limbo, for anyone's sake.
I think it naturally worked out this way for the sake of the narrative, but it's interesting to speculate on: why would Eames be that much more concerned about Limbo than the others? Yusuf went in knowing it was a risk, but maybe that's only because he doesn't know better (since he rarely goes into the field?). Ariadne has no concept of limbo so it's easy for her to shuffle it off with everything else about dreamshare she doesn't get. Arthur at least knows that Cobb got out before. But Eames knows well enough that he's not fucking with it. Does that mean that limbo is pretty well known in the business? Are there limbo horror stories? If it's not common knowledge that dreaming with a sedative puts you at a risk for limbo, how is it that others have ended up in limbo? Did they get there the same way Cobb and Mal did? And how did they do that anyway??
But anyway, back to Eames, I capped his reactions during the limbo flazzo, because that's what I do:
Just after Cobb tells them
Arthur: Nnnngggggghhhhh I'm so mad at you right now!
Eames: D8
"We'll be stuck in limbo until our brains turn to scrambled eggs."
Aha, another twitch! Imma add it to my collection.
Okay so it's not Eames, it's Cobb. But I find this face especially interesting. While Cobb tells Arthur "Blah blah it's fine shut up already" and opens up to Ariadne and is very candid with dying Saito, for a moment, right here, he's speechless. By this point Arthur and Yusuf are already carrying Saito off and he's looking only at Eames (Ari is off to the side and clearly not included in this look).
In Mombassa it seemed to me that Cobb and Eames were able to be professional with each other in a way that not everyone in the team were (certainly neither of them were that professional with Arthur). And here, Cobb's broken his trust--more so than with the others, because Cobb knows he's screwing Eames over more than the rest of them. He knows that a forger has more to fear from limbo than most, and Eames knows he knows this, and they share this look. /head canon no I'm not planning on writing C/E I don't know what you mean.
Eames listens with continued skepticism as Cobb outlines teh speedy plan (which makes no sense when you really think about it, they still had to stay in level 1 for the week, right!?)
I especially like this shot
Now of course, my own personal head canon is that Eames, being a forger, is much more at risk of falling into/getting stuck in limbo than your average dreamer--the reason being tied in with my headcanon of what makes a forger. Which maybe I'll just make a post about at some point, because that is fun.
But for now, I feel like the reactions from the principle characters indicate that Eames, more than the rest of them, is seriously concerned with the possibility of falling into limbo, likely with good reason.
...Ok not crippling. But look at him, he's quite distressed.
Let's all give Eames a hug <3
Tomorrow I'll do something actually useful, seriously.