Hunger Games

Mar 24, 2012 22:41

UGH. I seriously need to get rid of these Hunger Game feels. I know how it ends, and I don't care. I LOVE GALE HAWTHORNE. I cannot stand Peeta. The movie made it worse, because Josh Hutcherson is awful. I have no idea what compelled them to cast him. And worse, they changed how she got the Mockingjay Pin! Which means no Madge Undersee. Which means no potential affair between Madge and Gale, which was my only consolation. D: AHHHHHHH I HATE IT SO MUCH. I JUST WANT TO MOVE ON, BUT EVERYONE IS POSTING ABOUT IT.

I can't even read Katniss/Gale fanfic because it's all so miserable. UGHHHHH. Too much angst! It's almost always unrequited and it KILLS ME. I just keep crying about it. It's not helping that I'm remembering His Dark Materials and Will and Lyra because for some stupid reason I am tracking that tag on Tumblr. Why can't people I like just be happy together?! D:

This is distracting me from writing porn and it is NOT RIGHT!

ARYA/GENDRY OTP GRRM DON'T KILL IT. ............he's gonna kill it. D:

gale hawthorne, angst, a song of ice and fire, arya/gendry, his dark materials, hunger games, fanfiction, otps, will/lyra, katniss/gale, fuck me, katniss everdeen

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