jolie's next top idol. -all skin and bone. eww.
jolie, if this is what you strive to be, im admitting you to the anoeroxic ward the minute i touchdown from melb.
eight entries ago, i made a pact with myself to jump start SHC all over again. but since 14 nov, apart for a few feeble attempts, no improvements whatsoever have been made on my lifestyle. which really is quite horrifying seeing that ive got to be able to squeeze into my kebaya again in ohmysheets-EIGHT days and a dress in twenty-eight. my alarm siren is firing high and loud right now.
and.eight entries ago, i made a secret promise to myself to reach that desired weight by 14 feb. but now that it is no longer a secret, i better lose that darn 10 kilos.
to those poor souls with the same plight as me, HAVE NO FEAR. LET OUT A CHEER.COS SUPER-ADLIN IS HERE. hahahahaha.ohmygawd.pardon me.i love this lame cheer too much XD
anyway, i did a little research on all these weight loss and detox capacity to absorb ALL those information readily still astounds me. if only i could have done it for biology. owells.
the maple syrup diet.
(beyonce swore to this whilst trying to lose weight for her role in dream girls.) but its mental because all you will ever drink is concotions of maple syrup and water.
the lemon detox diet.
another mental lemon-juice drinking diet.
atkins diet
no carbs
one hour telly diet
less tv = less bumming ard & less munching randomly = mre activity = weight loss
ice cube diet
crunch on these when in need of a snack
baby food diet
substitute two meals for these unappetizingmushedupgooey baby food stuff
cabbage soup diet
organic food diet
the satrvation diet
theres more. but it would be absolutely insane to list them all out. the idea of DIETING already turns me out. ah ah. CANNOT.i shall start this healthy regime today till 14 feb. oh CHEER. god save me
the next bugger who tempts me with sinful food before 14 feb, i'll do more than drop your eyeballs out.
anw, boredom led me to doing random quizzes on blogthings. unfortunately, i cant get it up on lj. bakka. im a suerego and theres a certain truth to the results;
while some may think first and act later, i dont act at all):
id rather be safe than sorry
i take ethics too darn seriously
i have high standards for my own behaviour
but, unlike those superegoeans, i dont exceed them happily.
stupid quiz just made me realise what a friggin bore i am. sighs.