Aug 17, 2005 13:33
Like it? That's the title that Heath came up with in our ongoing Harry Potter titles quest. Others are "Harry Potter and the Giant Dildo of Fire" and "Harry Potter and the Chupacabra" (that one has a hilarious sketch that goes along with it.
But enough of that. I haven't updated in forever! School starts in about a week, and we're driving up on Sunday to get Lil Crock moved in. I'm excited about getting back to my life and what not, and I miss my Emory kids. I'm gonna really miss my mom this year, though, cuz we've had a super-fantastic summer. I'm kind of in that limbo zone right now that you always experience before moving from one place to another. On a brighter note, I'm excited about moving in with Hughson and Molly! And I'm so excited about our season! And my senior thesis! Aw, it's gonna be a great year. Just you wait and see.
Enough about me. Well, one more thing. Look at my new icon! I have NO idea what it means -- I ripped it off somebody in an HP Slash community. It makes me glad.
I miss Ariel Osborne! In case anyone doesn't know, she's currently taking over the world, starting with the state of New York. I think she's working on "Lucky Stiff" right now, actually.
I'd like to send a big hug to all my friends who are ill (Molly and Hughson)! I hope you guys feel better soon. Being sick during the summer sucks. Try to get germ-free before we all move into a small space together, okay? *laughs, evilly*
Hi to Ashley! I miss you. I hope I get to see you before I got back to school, but if not, know that my last days at the Herm were pretty sad without you.
Okay, I'm gonna go get my pre-semester hair trim now. Then I need to start thinking about packing. Sorry I have nothing interesting to report -- Mom and I got attacked by a crazy old lady in Mrs. Winners Monday morning. That was funny.