Chinese Pattern Books

Mar 01, 2012 10:36

Hello fellow crocheteers,

I recently told you about these cool Chinese pattern chart books that I found online and fell in love with. I've been searching like crazy to find a source where I could order them, somewhat hampered by the fact, that I don't speak Chinese. ( I can recognize some characters, thanks to my knowledge of Japanese, but that's about it.) Now, I found a shop that communicates in English, offers shipment of books from China and payment through Paypal.
There are some definite advantages to living in this interconnected world, don't you think!

I've ordered the following:

They'll be here in 9-12 weeks (surface mail)... I'll let you know how this works out and if they are as good and understandable, as they seem from what I was able to glance from pictures online.

books, pattern, patterns

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