※34 (150 icons)

May 03, 2023 00:19

long time no post! i've been busy, and then i got sick, and then i had to buy a new computer bc my last one died 💀 no longer sick, and the new computer works great, so here's an overdue post! i'll have a few more coming after this one at some point. (if the coloring looks odd on some of them, sorry about that 😭 using a TV for a monitor so the colors might be different from a regular computer monitor)

40 =love
15 ≠me
30 beyooooonds
25 billlie
20 cherry bullet
20 csr

Icon table generated by Chlor's Icon Table Generator

comments aren't necessary but they're appreciated!
credit is necessary and appreciated!

k: csr, k: cherry bullet, j: =love, j: ≠me, k: billlie, j: beyooooonds, type: icons

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