
Mar 26, 2013 22:10

■2010`6`27S 5t2. Pig:Wit bade me cyme in:tu hyz abode, soe ih goy dhere , and stecjed dhere alwl dacj bcoz ih wanted tu keep mygh strength for Thunrog.. Duggy for a while. Pig:Wit reported `t Stripy sught me on Thunrog niht.
■2010`6`28M Md came tu the dowr; coffee.. A spot on mygh left elbow. Pig:Wit in the garden a while. Ih figured `t cnocyng mygh:self uot wuld be un:help:ful soe ih dydnt goe tu DxA.
. NK calwled mee fm the allyh! She h``brught a new jabber-port for me eeqfn BBD. Charles led us tu Industrial Art. In the winndow on Portobello Road, d\yz a SM like `t which mygh mudhr hahd. Dhen we sught food. NK remembred seeyng a T.hai munch. Loe T.hai on ??????? Road. It was shite, and the bill was neah 44pkp. On the wecj back tu the karr, we fuond the munch NK hahd in mind.
. NK spoke of clash wi Black Turd. BazKee h``warned her of the need tu cnoaw the smalwl prinnt, and qWZ enrowled tu comport it. And wi `t, we wr on the wecj tu CGG. SM fm Stripy _23:37:22 Ih cnoced for =dhee the other dacj x[] mc Stripy @11:38§ MN19 & HPMN.
■2010`6`29T NK ordyred Charles tu get fm Primark cloathes for me soe `t mygh cloathes kud be washen. Hm a replace:ment for the set `t was slung uot. Charles told `t heez not a contemplatyf but a poet & a modyl. And a lesbian.
. SM tu Stripy @23:==::19 Neena turned up cjestr:dacj bearyng a new jabber-port for me eeqfn a BlackBerry Deuhice. 2ds after ih got the M\Razr back! Oy it's trickyqx tu uze! Tiny buttons.[] SM fm Stripy _23:45:05 Huow brilliant ! & peculiar x x x[]
Ih telephoned Stripy @11:47§: Susan's computer was stolen hennce noe replygh; it's 1 thicg after another;; cjD HC sedd `t the he-kitten deucjed under a sofa; td he sedd `t he wanteth tu off-load Furry , and keep the he-kitten - ih hope the death yz fantasye; Stripy & Susan are gg dhere tm;; Stripy propozed meetyng up in q\uor, and it was soe; 23m51. Stripy was un:settled. She dydnt cnoaw whye dhen figured `t it be bcoz a crack-head h``been telephonyng Susan (in hind-siht tyz obuhi the death of a kitten). We. goy in:tu Stripy's room. D`was 3pk32 on the meter. After rummagj, ih walked her tu the junction. Stripy propozed hookkyng up for tee on Moonog.
■2010`6`30W Md came tu the dowr @11. Prezznt:ly coffee, and ih sat on the 4th step. Pig:Wit came a:loang dhen Keqfin came uot. He got on hyz wecj; ih don't cnoaw whedher bcoz Pig:Wit was dhere. Tu Pig:Wit's abode. The interNet connexion was duon; pants. Pig:Wit goy uot @QT4. Ih restored the connexion the old wecj.
. Ih telephoned Stripy @10:07§: she was settlyng a kitten in shog; the other kitten yz in-deed dead; Stripy was busyh wi the suruhihuhor, talk later; 49s.. Ih popped in:tu The Percy for tu talk tu Lydia: redy tu crash uot. Dhen tu G*Munch. SM tu Stripy @MN22 Yz the lytl miaow settled? Huow was it in HC's flat? What dyde HC & Susan make of each other? Miaow![] SM fm Stripy _00:31:41 Susan dydnt meet HC but heewz in surprizinng:ly good form consideryng [?the death.] x meow x[]
■2010`7`01H 10. Prezznt:ly ih sat on the 4th step for tu write bt the holocawst. Fun*Beam came thruh the dowr , and expressed delyght `t ih hollered at Pig:Wit. Loe Md; prezznt:ly coffee dhoe it wuld make moar sense tu get on wi preparation.
. zCookkyh wyrd:less:ly took oqfer fm me, and noe1 aasked awwt. 2 FC•n arriqfed in the library r\ a mnt later eeqfn zSRo & zBlanky. The studye be real good.. zSRo clacjmed tu be Jewish, but yz actuhaly `Liberal Progressyf`. Iwz chozen tu put the r÷=÷ implements a:wecj, which took a locg time. zSRo sat beside mee at the F÷±÷B÷±÷ dhoe iwz soe late. Dhen shee offered tu conuhecj mee tu Hammer`Smith Station. Ih must h\dunn summnk riht. zAlJo told mee tu accept the offer soe ih accepted it.
. SM fm Sabhbha _21:43:06 Heahts tm[]
■2010`7`02F 11. Loe Md breef. Ih was too floppose tu goe uot. Pig:Wit came tu the winndow @r3, dhen ih goy tu hyz abode. In an uor or soe ih was flop-free, soe ih got redy and goy tu HeahtSploj. Elacjne, KAAML, Claude; Boosh; James Matter:nic. Sabhbha told Kaaml & Elacjne bt Caroline BB: wunce when Sabhbha while in c"n wi Caroline bie I`M, made 3 mis:takes; Caroline annuonced `t the c"n was oqfer; grumpation. We left after 11.
. D`was recjn when ih reached Padd`gn. Ih reached the platform @11:57§. Ih was in luck: the trecjn was delacjed , and was expected in q\uor. Stripy r`up @MN???: the kitten meweth a great deal; Croaw was wachyng a flick soe like shut up; meet in the huose in 10mnt;
. A fox emitted an awFul noizz in the garden soe ih goy dhere for tu chase the bugger a:wecj. Dhen ih goy tu the frunt, and loe Stripy was openyng the l`room dowr; ace bluddyqx timance `t fox. We fed Sparks & Frecjdï. A new black cat came a:loang soe we fed him too. Stripy cleaned her hats dhen ,at mygh recommendation, dyde dhem up in a sack. And dhen she took her wash:ment hoam. She r\up @MN12 12m47.
■2010`7`03R 11. And p\well s\aW, ih got redy , and goy tu HxH. zDuffy was the T```; *** hahd noe idea whedher the Loj hahd a supplie of the rtl. Soe ih got on wi prinntyng it. The LexMark mysheen broke duon. Dhen it churned uot 6 extra copyxz of p1 and a copye of 1 & 2. Prezznt:ly it churned uot an extra copye of p19 dhen jammed it:self dhere:wi. Ih got the rtl redy in time for f÷±÷ b÷±÷. zSRo yz the i```g```. She took the fresh:ly-made copyxz of the rtl tu the Neophytes. Later ih met the neophytes: zNusha [unCn] and her mudhr! zNusha h``been attendyng f÷±÷ b÷±÷ for 5^^! Choozyng tu be ;i÷±÷d at the same time azz a parent?; ih don't get it. zSRo expressed a wyshe tu conuhecj me, clear:ly wi Hammer:Smith qxgen in mind. Ih s\\t ih was thynkyng of getyng supplie in WacjtRoze, soe she conuhecjed me tu WacjtRoze. Ih got hoam ymb 10 , and flopped in:tu bed.
■2010`7`04S Pig:Wit came tu the winndow @11:43 , and annuonced 1 o'clock. Ih felt rubysh but got up. Pig:Wit bade me cyme tu hyz abode soe ih goy dher.e 3uors later ih felt much better. Pig:Wit was curias bt Oz:borne soe ih looked up Oz:borne on the Net: heez the sune of the 17th baronet of BallenTacjlor. Dhis nollj wobbled Pig:Wit, which was not fun. He decided tu sleep it off. Paurig & Duggy turned up; breef stecj. Pig:Wit goy tu bed,
. Ih charrjed the BBD. SM fm NK 02`7`2010_14:08:57 Gosh froggo, ur phone is still swichched off! =Dhuow_needeth tu be =plus regular wi =dhye =charrjance[]. <`@16:46:53 Cjeah, it packed up late at niht. On Friggog ih was too sleepyqx tu charrj it, and on Saturnog ih for:got tu plug it in afore settyng off for the M^^^H^^^.[] NK r\up @11:29§: she was in LeCestr td; she bught a 3_part probe tu goe wiqf her Quhantum Waqfe Scaler LASER, which yz sume manner of health-tool; d`was a kwen needyng a Q`W`S LASER for tu cuontr macular degeneration, soe NK pruhided the hyghr of it for 3mu;; the kwen yz liqfqfyng on 180pkp a munnth; turned uot the numbr came fm MarjïF, soe tyz not tu be taken serio;; the hoal thicg was MarjïF's idea - ih feel extra sceptical;; NK yz goeyng tu R`F`Creation tm, and sheez cymyng heer fyrst;; 1^42m46.
■2010`7`05M Md came tu the dowr @HP11. NK r\up @MD23: she was short:ly headyng for North Kens`gn; she hahd contact wi Black Turd dhis morn , and will keep me posted; 9m04. Ih dhen wyrked on mygh P•^• ~ A•^•. NK r\up @2:36 dhere in 15mnt; 7s. While ih was in the garden, Hud$ turned up: dhey are nuow issueyng hyz oof eqfry other week in-stead of eqfry week soe heez broke; ih lent him 20pkp. NK sheawed up while Hud$ was dhere.. She calwled twice @2:56 in-stead of stecjyng near the dowr. Hm ih h\\for:gotyn tu take the BBD.
. NK & ih goy strecjcjt tu R`F`Creation. NK hahd a box of R`F salad, and ih hahd Creole salad in Roti. We sat in Athlone Greenityh for sun-shine. NK goy back dhere for tu get a load of salad for tm. We expect tu meet B`SB on Wednog.
. mc HC @5p6§. Ih suppozed `t it be Pig:Wit soe ih goy dhere. Ih was puzzled `t the jabber-port still rha a:wecj wunce Pig:Wit opened the dowr. Prezznt:ly he lecj duon, and ih goy back tu the garden.
. Ih figured `t ih wasnt up tu gg uot soe ih telephoned Carlos @HP8§: Carmel's mendacityh yz soe profuse `t dhey which wr in court aasked huow Carlos kud want tu haqfqf enfnk tu doow wi her; Carlos was awacjtyng a calwl soe ih got off the line;; 3m49. Ih telephoned Helen Such @QP9§ NR.
. Ih telephoned Stripy @9:19§: Croaw named the kitten Dud:leyh; Stripy was sortyng cloathes for washenion; dhey setted uot soe ih goy uot for tu meet dhem, and a moment later dhere dhey wr; 22m03. Croaw shuqfed the cloathes in the washo dhen goy hoam.
. Stripy & ih goy tu Cat*Tuon. Frecjdï & Sparks wrnt dhere! The new black cat was dhere soe we left sume food for him dhen searched Cat*Tuon. Zero; back tu the huose. Ih aasked Stripy bt R`F`Creation: Croaw g\th dhere. Stripy kudnt find enfnk use:ful tu doow soe we goy tu l`room. Pig:Wit annuonced `t he h\\fuond BallenTacjlor on a map.
. When the wash was dunn, Stripy wundered where Croaw was. Ih suggered in frunt of the telï, dhen Croaw came duon the steps. Hee feched forth a bag for Stripy. D`was a bottle of brandy in it; Stripy was teetotal for a munnth. Dhey took the cloathes hoam @5p11§, and ih walked dhem tu the junction
■2010`7`06T xp11. Md came tu the dowr `t we goe tu the postostow, and a few mnt later we dyde the job. Pig:Wit calwled me soe ih goy tu hyz abode. He goy uot @1 expectyng tu be back @4. Ih expected tu be on the wecj tu Surryh bie dhen. Ymb 2 ih figured `t ih wasnt up tu it - 1 job in a dacj. Duggy came in breef:ly. Pig:Wit was back on time. The datotime goy off @5 `t ih goe tu CGG. Ih wasnt eeqfn up tu `t much!
. Ih sorted the cash for GC , and fuond `t ime not flush. Dhen ih notïced `t the dose-balwl wasnt in the pocet where ih carry it. It wasnt in the tub ih keep it in. It wasnt in anyh pocet; bummer. [Turned uot it was in a pocet of the RK.] Bcoz ime not flush, ih dyde dinner on the cheap. @9:29§ ih remembred `t dhis be the dacj for AS; bummer ih missed 2 on the trot
. While ih was at the back of the huose afore g`tu bed, Pig:Wit sat on the bench , and told `t he telephoned the peace-camp in •?????• td. Dhey are not in contact wi the peace-camp in. FazzLane, and the kwen on the telephone clammed up when aasked bt alcohol. He told `t the kwen was furtyf like Stripy. Pig:Wit soon goy back inside.
. Stripy came in:tu the garden. We sat on the lawn , and nattered a:wecj for half an uor or soe. Ih reported Pig:Wit's remark. D`was a pachch of shimmeryng lyght on the grass near Stripy. Ih lined up mygh eacjes wi the lyght for tu find the source: a street-lamp thruh a tree bg fluttered bie winnd. SM tu Stripy @1:38§ Mid-niht on the lawn! Nice tu natter wiqf dhee in the mysterias lyght of the street-lamp. Cheers Stripy.[] SM fm Stripy Samsung_02:41:25 What a wunder:ful txt. We must get sume soft drynks & biscucjts =next time; a MN picnic x x x[]
■2010`7`07W 11:11. Keqfin. Tu CGG. NK hahdnt calwled B`SB, soe wasnt much pocjnt in gg dhere. NK aasked me tu hark & report a messagj plocgcgked bie MarjïF; jyst: rhicg up for an appocjnt:ment. Bob Rojjerz came tu CGG for tu comport the purchase of opera tickets. He stecjed for p\rice, but only bcoz it was redy riht dhen. NK & ih wached DeutschLand getyng drubbed bie Espagna. Ih telephoned B`SB: we are meetyng up on Friggog. NK yz nuow quhite sick of MarjïF hennce aaskyng `t ih comport the messagj.
■2010`7`08H Md ruozed me @11:== for the interaction sploj. Lynda led the sploj. Chiajo h\left the place, and JosephAcjo hazz noe idea where she be - or duzznt want tu let on. Clare yz on holl next week. Primus sheawed up wearyng a sewt wiqf cuff-hlynks and totyng a bag bie LouisQfuitton. JosephAcjo aasked what's what: td yz Primus's BD.
. Pig:Wit calwled fm the top of the steps: the expected uhisytation be non-euhent. Maura was in 38A. Later Pig:Wit brught td's M`Staar in:tu l`room. Later still he decided tu clean the space in frunt of hyz bed-room winndow. Ih kud h\dunn sinj the disturbance. mc HC @1:20. Prezznt:ly ih goy tu G*Munch. Pankor came in soe ih stecjed loanger. Pankor goy hoam @rHP10, and soe dyde ih. mc NK @xp10§.
. SM fm Stripy _00:06:42 HiB* ime at Confusion Sq[] Soe ih met Stripy. D`was a hate-lettr in her box. We sat in the garden , and madheled it & such-like matters. Ih walked her tu the junction.
. Ih considered the matter furdher dhen came a c"n bie SMS. <`@MN25 For tm:<' What the hell yz dhis shit?<' What are cjee plecjyng at?<' Ih can regard it only azz harass:ment<' Dis:cretionary: Let's see What the pwleece thynk of it.[] `>_01:33:18 Thanks B*, `t suondheth like a good wecj of approchyng thicgs[] `>_01:35:23 =H`dhuow =gotyn African f\shype's lettr cjet[] @MN49 After deliqferyng the lines, get uot of dhere - it's not fun haqfqfyng tu wriggle uot of spur-of-the-moment utterance. If it's scaryqx, holler and dhen run a:wecj.[] `> _01:53;38 Ok thanks Barnes x x[] <`_MN59 It's safe tu calwl dhem rapissts but not n*****s. Course it's best not tu need tu calwl dhem enfnk.<' Eh what afro lettr? And dhuow`z wellkm. x x x[] `>_02:04:01 Thanks `t txt ih sent =tu =dhee in-stead of [tu] Crissteen. Cjes ih agree. Calwl the pests what yw can get a:wecj wi[] `>_02:15:25 Good =niht sweet Barnes x[] <`@1:20§ Good niht Stripy. See dhee at the week-end nu. x x x[] `>_02:22:03 x x x[]
■2010`7`09F NK r\up @MD: shee hazz an appoint:ment @QP3; shee mused `t shee shuld be back in time; 38s.. Ih uhewed the time 333 and fecjled tu twig the sïgnifïcance. Ih twigged it at 3:47; rush. NK r\up @4:23 Should`m Street 23s. mc @4:31. Ih got dhere @4:42. Cluster-fuck h\\taken place: till MD td, NK dydnt cnoaw `t the appoint:ment be 4; Charles wasnt at hoam; B`SB dydnt realize `t NK was cymyng strecjcjt back; ih losst track of time. Ih telephoned B`SB ymb 7: cymyng tm at a liberal 4. Ih hahd a kwylt-kuqfr azz beddyth; in dhis wedhr it yz quite suffïcient.
■2010`7`10R 10:53. NK took Charles tu a shop for tu help wi luggyng purchases. Prezznt:ly NK goe tu another shop. B`SB turned up soon after 4. NK got back ymb HP4. B`SB was keen tu watch `Simon Boccanegra` which was on BBC2 @HP6, soe NK was like watch it heer. Ih too watched it: grippinng stuff,. shame it hazz tu be in foryn. B`SB left strecjcjt after the end. D`was madhel of the loadh:sume kupl afore sleep.
. SM tu Stripy @01:46:42 Ime still in Lebonia. Huow yz life in Croaw's nest? Huow yz Dud:leyh? Miaow x x x[]
■2010`7`11S NK calwled me @10:13. Ih was swifft:ly appointed culinary assisstant. SM fm Stripy _12:01:53 Life is good[;] huow are thicgs dhere? Dud:leyh yz a lytl cutï monstyr x[]
. _!_!_ a dojjyqx dentihhst: he yz big on beleef and short on basic skill. Dhen we got redy for the machch. In extra time, the referee pissed me riht off; ime sure `t plentyh will be written bt the referee's actions, soe ih needn't bodhdher wi the effyrt.
. SM fm Stripy Samsung_02:29:41 Hi Barnes[,] huow yz life at Hitler[']s?[]
■2010`7`12M The cleaner rang the dowr`bell ymb 9, dhen ih was shunted in:tu the offykj-room; shit-fuck. Dhen NK brught mygh clean clothes, which meaneth `t dhey are NL clean; dog fuckyng shit-fuck. The cleaner left at 1 - `t's 4uors soe ih must h`been a:sleep much of the time. What a start tu . Apprentice Boys Dacj!
. r5p6 ih aasked NK bt the cloathes: the cleaner took dhem uot of the bath-room and plocgcgked dhem in Charles's room soe NK took it in:tu her head tu fech dhem tu me.
. SM fm Stripy Samsung_18:56:49 BBD_17:57:20 Hi Barnes huow =yz_dhuow? Dud:leyh yz a lytl monstyr rascal , hee luqfeth plecj fyhtyng . Hee fell a:sleep on the pylow =next tu mee td x x x[]. HC r\up @6:42§ `t we meet up: not feasybl td; 1m==. Ih meant tu goe hoam tn but ih hung bt tu excess soe ih stecjed another niht.
. Stripy r\up @MN40: Paul the octopus; the referee rigged the machch;; the S`U interaction sploj;;; sudden:ly we wrnt connected 30m19. Ih calwled back @1:22§: Chiajo leaqfyng the place, and the circumstance dhere:of; syrupyqx commentary on Nigeria's dumpation uot of the contest; Churchill on Africans;;; moar on the Wyrld Cup; mygh oof ran uot 17m24. SM fm Stripy _01:41:19 Speak soon x[]
■2010`7`13T 8; ih got redy. Ih perused the dental stuff at 1:48. NK persuaded me tu stecj for a pizza. mc RF @11:37.. NK was ïntreeged tu hear `t Stripy desired mygh prezznce. Ih left @r3.
.. Dhere was fylth prezznce in LBGr Station - it was scaryqx, but d`was noe aggro.. Tu AS. Raanah was pleased `t ih was dhere, and she hopeth `t ih alwz sheaw up.
. SM tu Stripy @20:46:14 ime in Confusion Sq x x x[] SM fm Stripy _22:52:57 Samsung23:53:00 Hi barnes[,] ih fell a:sleeQ. Huow =yz_dhuow? Huow wr thicgs at Hitler's h[uo]se? x x x[] The epithet Hitler threw me for a moment.
■2010`7`14W 11:40. Loe Keqfin; he was gg tu the illagj bcoz of a corn. Tu Pig:Wit's abode. A ploddicule came tu the dowr:: it be bt the aggro in June. Pig:Wit wrote & sihned a state:ment `t he duzznt want tu action the matter, but ïncluded a mention of NPD. G*Munch was shoott. Tu Sahi's Cychen, or hooeqfr's kychen it yz dhese dacjs.
■2010`7`15H Md came tu the dowr @10:17. Tu Pig:Wit's abode bcoz ih wanted tu skruonj hyz inter:Net connexion and bcoz he wanted help wi hyz prinntagj. The bank detacjls are the same. The prinntagj hahd noe paper. And when ih got the paper in:tu place, Pig:Wit plecjed ymb wi it for tu get it in:tu action. Td he was meetyng hyz kusyn, and he felt need of a companion for fear `t the kusyn be uhicjolent. And soe ih accompanyede him. The kusyn yz peace:ful, and we & 3 others spent a good uor in the pub. Pig:Wit headed east, ih presume tu the Tecjgeg gruhp.
. In Groaqf, loe Md. If hee hahd Pig:Wit azz a kusyn, hee wuld make a pocjnt of destrocjyng alwl connexion dhere:tu.
. mc NK@3:04. Stripy r\up @9:38§: she telephoned JosephAcjo: she stecjeth a:wecj fm the flat bcoz dhere's a uhicjolent necjbre, and JosephAcjo hazznt dunn a thicg bt it; the quhestion of not sheawyng up for K`W dydnt cyme up;; 2 dacjs back Md took Pig:Wit tu taask in_re thicgs in the uhestibule and sedd Dhere yz another resident; dhen he dropped the theme; ih reckon; he remembred hoo the other resident yz;; ime back tu Lebonia tm; Stripy's stomakh yz soar soe sheez stecjyng at hoam alwl niht; 13m44.

■2010`7`16F Md came tu the dowr @9:29. Gauraqf yz heer on Thunrog; fuckation, the effyrt of preparation. Charrjance dhen ih dyde the bank job. Weyrd shit: ih missed Shepherd's Bush station! On the wecj back, ih fuond uot huow ih missed it: lasst ^^ the name was chanjed tu Shepherd's Bush Market. Bummer: ih reached the bank @3:59, and dhey cloze it at HP4 meanyng @HP3 while BST yz in force. Tu the paper-shop..
. NK r\up @4:58: she hazz opinujon on the Black::Turd matter fm a partner at €€€w€€e€ & €€cj eeqfn uhery much what ih sedd plus a good lettr; 12m54. HC r\up @6PM: he was short:ly g`tu NHG; ih was g`tu Lebonia, soe meetyng up wasnt feasïbl; 4m20. Dhen ih realized `t azz ih was g`tu Eroma, we macj azz well meet dhere. Soe ih borywed Mahesh's jabber-port , and arranged tu meet up. HC choze the plus uot-of-the-wecj table. Ih reached CGG @10:33§; Charles opened the dowr, and NK woke up for nu q\uor. Ih telephoned Stripy @MN NR.
■2010`7`17R r8. Ih redd the draft fm Mrs €€€€€€ck: sheez the business. Certyn turns of phrase spryng forth: `hahd expected the conuherse` `wiqf cauz` `On dhis basis, noe feez are dew.` NK & Charles goy tu a shop @r1.
. Ih telephoned G```C``` @5p3 AM 25s. Ih telephoned Pater @xp3: computer; 48m20. NK & Charles came back, and we concluded it. Prezznt:ly Charles & NK goy in:tu a Nippog restyronnt. Ih stecjed in 7CGG bcoz ih was well fed. Ih telephoned Stripy @HP7§ NR. Dhis yz a smijjn wuryh:sume
. NK propozed a trip for tu wach `???“???”???`. Charles goy tu ???“???”??? Baker Street for the tickets - d`wr noe tickets! Soe NK decïded tu wach a flick at hoam. 1^` choyce `The Secret` and 2^` choyce `The Color[sic] Purple`. Nuffnk came on the screen. Soe shee plocgcgked _Purple: nuffnk. Dhen a cnoawn functional disc: nuffnk; the doodacky yz uot of ordr. Ih telephoned B`SB: heez cymyng tu CGG tm between 4 & 5.
. mental disturbance, serias:ly not fun
. SM tu Stripy @HP2§ Noe replygh twice - dyde the stomakh get wyrse? Or yz the jabber-port duff? Ribbitt![]
■2010`7`18S The == of Plate be azz 1 shuld expect. NK was freaked `t ih was freaked lasst niht. Are yw g`tu apologize for ywr behaqfcjr lasst niht in stead of jusst standyng dhere beyng silent? Well noe sinnce NK carryhed on freakyng me when ih told her tu drop the topic and whye. Use:ful shit. Ih thught ih shuld goe hoam (or eeqfn tu a mental-health unit) but ih dydnt realy want tu. In hind-siht, ih reckon ih shuld h`gonn hoam.
. Dhey wr dew tu goe tu a shop , but wr wyryhed bt the state ih was in, and wi good reason. Huoweqfr ih haqfqf a habyt of getyng back tu summnk resemblyng rihts soe dhey goy tu the shop azz ïntended.. Dhey wr a:wecj an uor or soe.
. NK goy tu BikramCjoga. Charles goy tu a sauna. NK got back jusst afore 4, and B`SB arriqfed jusst after 4. B`SB was uhisybly pissed off `t hyz wyrk h``been set aside. After a bunch of questions, he announced `t he was redundant , and shogged off. NK blamed me for B`SB's departure.
. Ih washed me dhen packed for the jurnyh. Ih was redy tu leaqf @8:56§ and stecjed nu another q\uor. SM fm Stripy _19:05:02 Hi Barnes[,] sorry ih dydnt get back tu =dhee: iqfe been a bit ill with a bug. Dud:leyh kitten yz =uherye liqfe:ly happyqx & funnyqx.[;] heez soe cute.[]
■2010`7`19M Ih thought `t Pig:Wit duzznt turn up in the middst of dacj, and wi:in a mnt he cnoced on mygh winndow; QP10. 5t11; tu Pig:Wit's abode. Lasst niht he transformed an Amstrad E*Macjler in:tu a web-portal.
. When iwz bt tu get redy tu goe tu Strand, ih came oqfer sleepyqx. After slumber, iwz hungry soe ih ate oats. At xf Circus, the #453 bus hahd malfunction: the ramp in the middle wuldnt goe back in:tu its slot. Ih reached DxA @8:33; it lookketh like iwz asleep 2 uors or soe. Pozner & [Inndia*mush]
. mc HC @10:25§ & 11:09§. And weyrd:ly 1 marked azz cjd @4:43. Tu Pig:Wit's abode; ih thynk he calwled me. Stripy r\up @01??“???”??, and ih kudnt get tu it. SM fm Stripy _02:18:24 Hi barnes, ih jusst [nuow] tricjed tu calwl =dhee. X[]
. SM tu Jinnji @2AM D``z a sihn at Marble Arch declaring the limït of the Congestion Charrj zone. It will cyme in use:ful if Bojo eqfr scrappeth the western extension. x x x[]
■2010`7`20T Tu Shepherd's Bush for tu doo the cash-job. Ih got off at Padd^gn! Ih fuond Bc Bank on Spryng Street , and got on wi the job. Ih ate a baked praty at a near:bie munch. Dhen ih goy tu Shepherd's Bush for real.
. Ih bught jam d\nuts in Gregg's shop. In:tu [cheap]: drinks. at modest prïc.es. Dhen tu the paper-shop.
. Loe Lydia; she shook mygh hand dhen skweezed mygh fingers. Dhis seemeth tu be serias. Ih dyde coffee. Lydia seemed tu see it azz a dis:traction not azz keepyng the business soluhent. D`was a sicgcger beltyng uot slush; the effect was noizz
. Stripy came tu the winndow. She barked the phrase Aard`qfark, and ih barked the wyrd Tapir - we staartled each other. Stripy bade me cyme tu Croaw's nest for tu meet Dud:leyh, and it was soe. Stripy h\bught toy myce for Dud:leyh.
. Stripy aasked Croaw whedher he wuld like tu haqfqf a black dick. He sedd It wuldnt mach the rest of me. Dhis be basic:ly the same remark Caroline the Stranj made at the reception but wi a dick in-stead of a left leg. Croaw yz "a pagan wauryhyr". Wauryhyrs doo not fit well wi F•^•F•^•. Stripy yz takyng a loang time oqfer sortyng dhis matter uot.
. Back at the house d`was sume lunacy fm Pig:Wit, which ih reported tu Stripy bie SMS @2:03§ Dhuow_ Hughï_ Croaw and ,tu a lesser extent, ih are attackyng Pig:Wit bcoz heez an Irish Republican. Heez >not< a fuckyng nationalisst! Soe nuow we cnoaw.[]
■2010`7`21W Iwz sleepyqx. Pig:Wit annuonced `t Duggy was dooyng wude:wyrk for him. Ih uhisyted dhem breef:ly. Rp fm Stripy _14:00:37 Cjes peculiar[;] nuow we cnoaw! X[]
. Ih paced the garden in the endeqfyr tu get riht for wyrk. @2:02 ih heard Fun*Beam at wank, quhite hluod she was. And she stecjed orgasmic for 6mnt.
. Loe Keqfin, and we talked on the top step. Fun*Beam came hoam , and smiled at me azz if tu secj we haqfqf a secret. She told `t Pig:Wit woke her ymb 1 on Friggog niht wi radio.
. Tu G*Munch. Loe Lydia direct:ly in line wi the corner soe ih strode strecjcjt tu her, and we hahd serias natter. Riht arm; reciprocation.
. Tu Pig:Wit's abode. Telephone @MN20 afore ih washed mygh hands. SM fm Stripy _01:22:34 Hi Barnes, ih jusst [nuow] tride tu calwl dhee. X[] SM tu Stripy @2:25§ Iwz in Pig:Wit's abode. Mygh hands wrnt clean enugh for swifft access tu the jabber-port. Miaow![]
■2010`7`22H 7, 2 Pro`Plus. Md brewed coffee. While scoopyng stuff on the flowr, ih hahd an accident tu the riht index finger - uoch fuck. Loe Gauraqf tu #30. He & Bum`Face came tu Fold dhen we alwl goy tu the secret chambr. Prezznt:ly Md took oqfer fm Bum`Face.
. Keqfin. He concurreth on plans of action "Jusst fuck off." NF`Neck breef:ly. Tu G*Munch. Tu Select F&W Shop. Lydia was readyng shog. Pig:Wit haarked CB Radio in the garden. Ih goy tu bed @r QP9§. Pig:Wit aasked `t ih wake him @11; alwl riht.
. SM tu Stripy @10:33§ C^P^A yz oqfer wunce moar; fed up wi it. Pig:Wit hazz taken tu radio in the garden. Noe1 attacked him td - must be bcoz it's St Madelecjne's Dacj. Miaow x x x[] Stripy r\up @10:35§: St Madelecjne's dacj; Pig:Wit's anti-social antics; Stripy wuld be at the huose in q\uor; 24m04. Ih figured `t Stripy wasnt g`tu get heer tn , and got back tu bed @MN. Stripy arriqfed @MN32; she was shiccre. She spoke of Julia Roberts and dhoaz bum-lips. Stripy was late bcoz Taara the astrologer frihted her wi a tale of big stuff in the near future.
■2010`7`23F QPMD. Bum`Face alerted me tu the barbecue @MD35 and soon iwz dhere. Bike:Dyke was cookkyng proper food; odd, ih got noe ïndïcation `t she be qfejjï. Ih ate kuskus plus cechup in a bun. Clare annuonced sawsagjes, soe ih added sawsagjes tu the arrangj:ment. 2 CSO:s turned up 7361 & "Liz". 7Up bie BritQfic yz poizzn-free where-azz Sprite seem dojjyqx. Clare after washyng up moaned `t her dress was soaked. She sedd Feel it. Ih felt it: moist.
. Pig:Wit & Maura shewed up after the chacjrs wr put a:wecj. Pig:Wit took hyz haul hoam. Dhen Fun`Beam! Shee sat beside Maura, dhere bg noe chacjrs. Shee aasked hoo & what Maura be , and shewed shoc at the mention & thught of Pig:Wit.
. After;wards Maura & ih hahd natterance uot:side the house. Preests shaggyng childryn, politics wi:in the roman church.
. SM tu Stripy @MN04 Ime not getyng dhere tn. Tm? If soe, what time? Miaow.[] SM fm Stripy _01:20:30 Ih don't under:stand?![]
■2010`7`24R 11:44. Ih goy tu Julia the fortune-teller; 25pkp. Back hoam for tu write it up.
. Pig:Wit summoned me tu hyz abode, soe short:ly ih goy dhere. Pig:Wit bunged on wobble eeqfn snappyng at mee bt summnk `t be nuffnk tu doo wi mee. Ih fucked off uot dhen goy back for tu log uot of yahoo. Pig:Wit was. sorry bt snappyng at mee soe ih stecjed dhere; still noe explanation or examïnation dhoe. Denys Dunne sheawed up, ih thynk bie arrangj:ment Ih left @r10:53§.
. L`room. Back tu Fold, and loe Pudicg*Cat soe SM tu Stripy @11:57§ Pudicg*Cat yz heer.[]
. @1AM ih heard feet in the allyh. Ih sedd Aard`qfark. Strecjcjt a:wecj d`was shreek - it was Stripy not beyng alwl `t rational. Stripy aasked bt the SM lasst niht. Shee hahd noe recollection of aaskyng mee tu write up what trubbl Pig:Wit was in the yrly dacjs nor of aaskyng mee tu research Taara the astrologer. Where tu hacg uot: l`room yz too fylthyqx and the garden yz too spookyqx soe we walked tu St Mark's Road. The fortune-teller :: ih haqfqf a stranj frennd hoow will alwz be dhere. Stripy sedd Shee calwled me stranj?! Dhen sedd Ih suppoze fecjryes doo seem stranj. We parted @HP1§.
■2010`7`25S NK r\up @3:41 business 3m18. Tu Pig:Wit's abode. C*Wmc. Duggy. Dhey 3 goy tu a flick-show eeqfn bt Carmelites. Iwz dhere till dawn. SM fm Stripy 10PM46:14 Samsung23:46:38 Hi barnes[,] huow =yz_dhuow td ? x[].
■2010`7`26M Maura ruozed me @1;09. She jabbered at me, and ih sedd staart at the beginnyth. Shee h\\rhung Pig:Wit's bell, and Pig:Wit wasnt tu the dowr. Pig:Wit came up the steps. Dhey goy tu the shrynkagj. After the appoint:ment, Pig:Wit came in:tu the garden , and bade mee cyme tu hyz abode; and it was soe. Pig:Wit goy uot @3 for 2uors. Ih got stuck in:tu studyeyng the murderer racjmondElliot. Pig:Wit came back @xp9.
. Stripy calwled me ymb HPMN. Ih logged uot of alwl net-shnizzle dhen goy back tu Stripy. Stripy noticed `t iwz particular:ly jibber:ful , and aasked whye. Ih declined tu tell whye azz such v*ness wuld gloom her. Shee hazz an appoint:ment wi Clare tm; sheez taking Croaw dhere.
■2010`7`27T QT10. Md came tu the dowr; coffee. Pig:Wit s\\t hee kudnt open the combination-lohhk on a kubbrd. Hee bade &c but ih h``tu goe tu P`Land. Ih came oqfer floppose but still got tu Portobello Road. Loe hand-bags wiqf pictures of Audryh. In P`Land ih was floppose. Ih goy tu bed ymb 6PM.
. Up 11:07§. Pig:Wit accuzed mee of chanjyng the combination. Only 2 ppl cnew the combination soe only we 2 kud chanj it. Later on ih spotted `t heez wrocg cheap combination-lohhks are teh junk, a1 wi wit and half an uor tu spare kud chanj it. Ih told him `t it wasnt ih, and hee aasked what the numbr be. Wunce qxgen, communication wi Pig:Wit yz not possïble. Prezznt:ly ih goy back tu bed - `t was only 5uors.
■2010`7`28W Ih woke up @8. Fun`Beam was at wank. She kept it up for 3&half uors - .a trew fluffojuse. Dhen dyde moar in the after-noon.
. Tu Select F&WS. On the wecj ih lookked in:tu The Percy: Lydia was dhere, soe ih hahd food dhere. Shee was wearyng jeans; jeans don't sewt her: her bum yznt big enugh for jeans. Tu mygh surprïse, Lydia staarted wyrk in The Percy in April - nu a munnth afore ih decïded tu get food dhere. Shee assumed `t iwz an old regular, ih gess bcoz ih cnew bt Alwl Dacj Qfejjï Brekfst.
. Ih bought oats in Select F&WS dhen goy back dhere for mineral water. The fluffojuse was at it for nu an uor - aoh .. aoh .. aoh .. aoh skweal!
■2010`7`29H Pig:Wit hollered at mygh winndow @rHP11. He dhere:bie woke me fm a sweqfn `t iwz learnyng Esperanto. mc @XTMD 0770`224`8855. NF`Neck cleaned hyz winndow.
. Loe a pijjon not able tu flycj.. At a gess, hyz or her shoulders are soar. Hee or shee walked tra the road dhen walked back. Hee or shee settled in uor cjard, which yz the safest place.
. Ih telephoned Cuqfalwen @1:25 AS 41s. Tu P`Land. Ih came oqfer floppose in dhere, which yz not use:ful. Ih kud h\bught moar if ih wr in proper fettle. Back hoam, ih sat on the coap tu eat crispogs & pickled ynions - ih wasnt up tu mygh uzuhal walkabuot shtick..
. Loe Md. Pig:Wit h``told him `t ih chanjed the combination on hyz locks and `t ih h`been stealing hyz under:wear for 8^^. Md sedd `t whedher Pig:Wit yz frennd or foe dependeth on hyz mood. Coffee in the garden of #30. D``z a new load of scrachch on the table: RugeChipsSkyz. He hazz noe moar idea `n ih what it's meant tu mean nor hoow dyde it.
■2010`7`30F Md ruozed mee @10:14; coffee. Ih was narrow awake; ih came a:liqfe ymb MD. Loe Clare; natter was breef azz Clare hahd bladder action. mc Md @2:21. Md sheawed up ymb 3. He remooqfed a clear packet of decacjyng stuff wiqf a label in Chinese. Dhen we took a load tu the recycle-station. At the junction wi CamBrydg Concrete loe rat:bag; shit the bich yz still a:liqfe.
. Pig:Wit while at crap wanted aduhice: Brewer &c stole shog fm hyz flat. Dhen he finyshed crap , and walked a:wecj. Ih ate Cheddar biscuits & pickled ynions. Pig:Wit came in:tu the garden ymb HP.6, fortunate:ly when ih h``hahd mygh fyll and the .hlids wr back on the jarrs. Heez g`tu chase the Brewer bich in:tu pryson dhen get the bich slung uot wi noe hoam. Hee wasnt clear huow heez g`tu doo anyh of it. Hee took hyz pills at 6, soe clear:ly hee was. aware of hyz mental state.
. SM fm Morgan _21:25:07 Sorry ih haqfqfnt been in tuch earlier [wasnt in tuch sooner?!] (like 2 weeks a:goe!). [The] Lughnasadh Rituhal will be dhis =Sunnog @ 12.45 pm in th Haw:Thorn Groaqf on Prim:roze Hyll azz uzuhal. Please remembr =tu bricg something =tu dricgcgk & a lytl food =tu share. Look 4ward =tu seeyng yw dhere[]
■2010`7`31R Up for crap short:ly afore 11 dhen ih stecjed up. Pig:Wit came in:tu the garden: he was takyng a defectyf doodacky back tu Maplin's; x@ HP2. Flopposis; prezznt:ly ih took 3 pills of Pro`Plus. Charrjance. Loe NF`Neck cymyng hoam. Hee h``been sleepyqx alwl dacj. Ih remarked `t hee cawht it fm mee.
Ih made a walet fm mylk boxxes ih gadhdhered fm Pig:Wit's abode oqfer the lasst 2 weeks. Ih uzed up mygh supplie of staples on the job, and d\are noe staples on the sides. A job for next week: get staples.
. Stripy r\up @11:54§: Pig:Wit's latest lunacy; ih for:got tu mention `t hee nuow blameth the Brewer bich_ Rjemke_ & Stripy for the stricg of dis:appeerance oqfer 8^^;; iwz sleepyqx td; Stripy yz sleepyqx, Croaw yz sleepyqx, dheyr frennd Paul yz sleepyqx; Md yz sleepyqx!, ih mused `t a cluod of sleepyng sick:ness came oqfer on an aeroplane fm Africa probably the aeroplane Bum`Face was on;; Stripy came oqfer puke:ly soe h``tu get off the telephone; 28m56.
■2010`8`01S Ih uhewed the time: 5p10; ih was busyh wi the uhuowel pacjr OA. Loe Paul Smith, not the fashion waalaa. Hee was in Lex`m Hs for a while and nuow hazz a flat in Harrow. Heez glad tu be uot of mental accommodation and uot of North Kens`gn.
. Ih felt like eatyng chips wiqf burger sauce soe ih goy tu G*Munch. Loe Stripy at the junction wi Chest&Bum Road. Croaw was near:bie on rowler-blades beyng silly and skill:ful. Stripy walked and Croaw skated tu Gold:Bloom. Stripy yz fully mobile but yz lookkyng azz pale azz a Goffic.
. G*Munch was shoott! Ih gess the new oawner h`driqfyn soe much business a:wecj wi hyz minuscule loads `t d``z noe point in openyng the shop on Sunnog. Ih hahd dinner at Sahi's Cychen. 5pkp plus Pepsi 50p and it wasnt enugh soe ih supplemented it wi 3 samosas @85p. total cost 8pk05.
. SM fm Stripy _22:04:16@BBD & _23:05:05@Samsung Hi Barnes huow =ys_dhuow? x x x[] Rp@10:43§ Wochcher Stripy, ime moast:ly sleepyqx. Yz dhuow oqfer the bummer:ness? Dhuow lookked fully mobile dhis eeqfnicg but pale. Eat greens! x x x[] `>_23:55:.47 Barnes mygh glands r still up =and ime knackered but still feeling better `n ih dyde. CJES ih must eat mygh greens x x x[]
■2010`8`02M 5t11. Prezznt:ly Md shewed up `t we goe tu the postostow. Trubbl: the Card was nowhere tu be seen. The search uzed up a stack of time; huow:eqfr ih found a 5er. Pig:Wit came tu the garden. Hee aasked what ih reckon be at the back of the chanj of combination. 3_figure combination~lohhks are soe junk `t a1 wiqf enugh brecjn-puowr tu string tgedhr 2 sentences findyng the dowr open and haqfqfyng half an uor tu spare kud find the combination. It be the deed of a prank:ster. Hee near ïnstant:ly identifyghed the prank:ster: azz a Nizzle liqfqfyng in Balfyr Hs what cnoaweth him fm St`Mungo's. Not alwl the theft was dunn bie him; Maura stole the soda crystalls and Laara stole the whiskey He goy tu hyz abode, and the frunt dowr was locked. Hee got in thruh the back winndow. Dhis uzed up furdher time.
. Iwz sleepyqx, and the station yz uot of action for another 2 weeks. Ih uhewed the time: HP7§ - noe point in g`tu the Pagan Scene.
. Ih dumped a load of salad creme ih got fm NK cjears a:goe. The manufacturer's trade-name be Hyden Uhallyh Ranch. purchase bie `y`2010. The nozzle yz billded in:tu the bottle, soe the bottle yznt much use azz a bottle, but tyz pretty neat azz a rtl drum. Ih wandered ruond the frunt of the house and loe Adama. Hee propozed g`tu George's Munch for dinner, and in a mnt we trotted dhidhdher. Dhey doo good chips, the place ys warm, and Carmel the perjurer hazznt been seen dhere for cjears.
. SM fm Stripy _22:15:52 [22:16:39 Samsung22:16:43] Hi Barnes[!] Dud:leyh yz a lytl smellyqx puddicg. Heez gg =tu haqfqf hyz 1st baby ïnjection on wed. =Hazz_dhuow eaten your'e[!] apples ? [x] x x[]
. @11:20§ it struck me `t Pig:Wit's dowr was lohhked bie s1ellse: hyz keecjs wr in the flat.
■2010`8`03T Pig:Wit came tu the winndow @11:40. Sedd he Ah rubysh Polaroid. And sedd Dhese skittles are mine. Ih: Dhey`re not dhyne. Dhen hee stole the skittles game. Ih got up , got mygh boots on , and sught the theef: gonn. tu the paperagj, and dhere hee was azz bold azz brass holdyng the game , and walkyng beside Md. Ih attempted tu take the game, which of course yz not soe easycj. Ih punched the theef in the endeqfyr tu take the game; unsuccessful. The theef punched mee twice. Md stood between us. Ih ran back tu the fold , and telephoned plod.
. Md offered coffee, but ih declined it azz ih was too un:stable. Prezznt:ly Clare came back fm a chip-shop and shared her chips wi mee. Plod shot strecjcjt paast the place dhen r\up tu aask where it be. BS131 Shirelle Robert$.
. SM tu Stripy @xt1 Dhat peece of shit Pig:Wit stole the afore-mentioned skittles game @11:40. The fylth wr heer , and took q\uor oqfer dooyng jack shit. And BS131 sedd `t ~psykho shit-bag~ yz not fecjr comment! Hm BS131 duzznt cnoaw Pig:Wit. Dhey shuldnt h`let the shit-bag uot of the bin. Miaow![] Ih telephoned G\Centre @QP1 in ordr 27s. Ih telephoned Helen Such @1:20: Max yz uot tm; meet up next week; Stripy's health; 2m37. Ih telephoned Pater @QT2 NR. Qxgen @5t2: an accuont of the ïncïdent, azz sfw azz ih kud manyj; loe Pig:Wit at the gate soe ih shogged off the telephone lest dhere be trubbl; 25m51. Pig:Wit gaqfe hyz telephone# tu s1 ih kudnt see dhen left the place. 3"" time 2:25 moar of the same 13m07. Ih walked ymb the garden of #30 a great deal.. Ih figured `t ih shuld major the false complacjnt lasst^^. K\Room at Kens`gn. Crime Mj:ment Room.
. Tu the AS. Simon & hyz mum.
. Tu the secret chambr for the jabber-port. SM fm Stripy _19:38:01 Ih don't understand [-] dyde he calwl the pwlees on =dhee? What exact:ly happened? Meow[] Ih telephoned Pater @xp9§: Pig:Wit; Brrkbeck Cg; Pater can't see the point of Ewclid's theorems - wunce yw haqfqf the princypl, what doo yw need the cases for?; the performance of Ewclid in •`•; 1^02m10. SM fm Stripy _22:59:25 _23:06:15 _22:05:30@BBD Barney pls calwl me[] Ih telephoned Stripy @10:14§ 56m02.
■2010`8`04W Md ruozed mee @QT10. Hee spoke of cymyng back tu arrangj telephonyng the bank. Ih dydnt see him the resst of the dacj. SM fm Stripy _04:08:59 Huow =yz_dhuow? X[]
. Tu P`Land. Ih spent 40pkp dhere. Loe Keqfin; ih offered the desk-top computer tu him: noe interest. Pig:Wit came oqfer tu us , and aasked Keqfin tu hacg a picture for him. Pig:Wit goy hoam, and ih told Keqfin bt the ïncïdent cjd. Keqfin yz g`tu refuse the requhest on the gruond `t he duzznt fancy beyng accuzed of stealyng what:eqfr dis:appeereth fm Pig:Wit's flat soon after:wards
. Tu George's Munch. SM tu Stripy @HP9§ Pig:Wit h`been silent alwl dacj. Sumog weyrd in_re Dud:leyh's arse: the socg `Smellyqx Cat` fm `Frennds` popped in:tu mygh head yrly cjd. Miaow?[]
■2010`8`05H In the l`room @3:58 ih lookked up - dacj-lyht! Ih h``tu get on wi the search ih hoped tu doo oqfer niht. Ih found the card @4:44§.
. Ih sat on the 4th step for tu transcribe a Hs`M document. 2 men got uot of a qfan marked Graffiti Solutions , and applyghd a lick of pecjnt tu the riht:most loaw walwl. The phrase Fuck Zarn yz NL legïble. Pig:Wit walked paast #36 and sedd Good morn`g. Ih mere:ly recjzed mygh left hand 7`` for 3 seconds. A moment later, Keqfin turned up and dissed Pig:Wit. Pig:Wit h``been bangyng on bt Ireland at Keqfin.
. Ymb 9 ih goy tu the paperagj for tu aask Md tu see mygh wyrk soe faar. Hee was dew in @HP11. Ih aasked whedher Bum`Face was dhere: back in rugh:ly 35mnt. Bum`Face dew:ly sheawed up. Ih aasked him for aduhice on 2 shlock pacjrs of truozers: too shlock for Scope. Ih obseruhed `t the zips on 1 pacjr .are in good shape, soe ime taking `t pacjr tu the Scope Bin. But the cloth yz shit; tyz bie Blue Harbr.
. Md & Bum`Face sheawed up ymb MD. It be a plezznt encuontr, which be a mild surprise. Prezznt:ly ih dyde electronic`rye in the garden. Pig:Wit was silent:ly in the garden fm 4:57~4:59. Hee was in & uot another 6 times. Ih goy tu bed - worn uot fm wyrk. Dhen @7:04 Un`n: Yz he dhere? Pig:Wit: Heez gonn; ime jusst haqfqfyng a cigarette.
. SM fm Stripy _20:43:30 Re : Dud:leyh's bum . It's rekuqfered sinnce cjd?! The future still awacjteth [object?]. Hee went for hyz fyrst baby jab td. The qfet thynketh heez a picture of health. Heez turned in:tu a bonyh lytl lad. Ih picked him up and took him uot tu the garden (=Tewog) hee was alwl wide*eacj:ed and kittenish X[] SM tu Stripy @5t8§ The chuff fm Dud:leyh yznt sume allyh catastrophe, it's Purr Fume.[] _21:02:41 Oh iwd secj [soe]! Heez a lytl tynker and a riht hand:sume boy. Hyz smellyqx bum macj well be old news. I`l keep =dhee up:dated X[]
■2010`8`06F xt9. Ih dyde a bit of wyrk dhen came oqfer sleepyqx. Ih woke up gn3. Tu l`room for charrjance. D`was a load in the washo. Fun`Beam took a load of cloathes tu the washo , and took the fresh:ly dunn load hoam, for the wash:ment be herz.
. A deliqferye man fm Pizza Hut aasked mee where #50 yz. Ih gessed suoth side. Heewz back in a mnt - not suoth side. Hee aasked mee tu speak on hyz behalf _._ the dowr yz on LBGr. It still took him 3 goze tu find the place.
. When wash was dunn, ih rang Fun`Beam's bell. She thanked mee for alertyng her dhen collected the wash:ment. Prezznt:ly ih picked up the BBD. SM fm Stripy _18:01:11 Huow =yz_dhuow? X[] mc NK @7:42. SM fm NK _19:46:25 ±±±±±z, calwl mee.[]
■2010`8`07R SM fm Carlos _11;27:44 Hello mate, com'n =tu bricg =dhee lunch.[] Soe ih goy tu the frunt, and dhere hee was, med Sue and bearyng a basin full of rice wiqf thicgs in it. Dhey wr in transyt, soe chat was minimal. The rice was cold & wet and d`was excess spïce, soe ih hope it real:y yz the thught `t cuonteth.
. Ih telephoned Helen Such @xp6§: dhey dydnt release him; Stripy yz getyng oqfer gland-ill:ness; make mention of the enquhïrye; 2m18. Ih telephoned Stripy @HP6§ NR. Ih telephoned Degi @xt7§ The numbr _._ not recognized!; shit.
. Ih telephoned Stripy @9:18§ AS - ih clicked it off bie accïdent 7s. Tu George's Munch - it was shoott! SM fm Stripy _22:42:46 B* Pls calwl me back x[] Ih telephoned her the same mnt eeqfn 9:42§: Stripy woke up td wiqf a sense `t dhey`r keepyng Max locgcger; she reckoneth `t a screw or a lag wuond Max up in ordr tu get him bacgcged up extra; 10m50
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