The following work of amateurish weird fiction / satire was micro-blogged on facebook on 17/03/2016 I hope you enjoy it.
St Patricks Dispatch 1:
The cycle home yesterday was like that scene in independence day where they are the only ones heading back into the city while the masses flee. All is quiet for now, some of our american guests are going into the city, i tired to warn them.
Status: OK, Minimum Safe Distance, County Dublin.
St Patricks Dispatch 2:
The commute this morning was very quiet, still dark and cold with the high pressure making it feel like all directions were into the wind. A few cars sped towards the city, vendors probably, too late for a good spot, but perhaps they will get a perch next to one of the meat pits.
Status: OK, Minimum Safe Distance, County Dublin.
St Patricks Dispatch 3
Safely within the office you have the same feeling as on a passenger ferry in a storm; Everyone is working hard to make the place seem normal, the casino patrons laughing nervously as the dice skip out of the table in the swell. Earlier the sun cut a red streak across Dún Laoghaire, it always seems to shine brighter on this particular day, like the last kiss from a lover who knows their partner must die. I can hear the joyful crowd from here, the poor fools.
Status: OK, Minimum Safe Distance, County Dublin.
St Patricks Dispatch 4
It would otherwise be a beautiful day, there is plenty of light and an apparent breeze outside the office window, but i have seen that light and know it is a fell-light, tasted the acridity of the breeze, its carnival smell, the odour of exploitation. 45 minutes now, i can already hear the rumbling, or perhaps it is just the memory.
Status: OK, Minimum Safe Distance, County Dublin.
St Patricks Dispatch 5
11:00 passed without incident, i know thats when the parade starts; nature knows it, i remember the sudden absolute silence, the Irish word is 'Tost', the silence of the day, the silence of Our day. Some of the guys in the office haven't been in Ireland for St Patrick's before, they didn't know about the silence, they couldn't be prepared for what is to come either.
Status: 'OK', Minimum Safe Distance, County Dublin.
St Patricks Dispatch 7
The sun is back but things are different now, the darkness covers most of the city centre, you can see it from here, looking away is no longer an option it eats the horizon with its vile anti-light of its greed. The parade must be finished be now, i can only imagine the suffering, well, i can imagine it and hear it; little snaps and slices of screams carried over the breeze, between the ungodly silence.
Status: very not OK, Minimum Safe Distance, County Dublin.
St Patricks Dispatch 8
Work is finished and so is my solace protected in this little office from the horrors outside. i must cross that vile threshold, and the stickey-black river beyond it. Cromiskies of Consitiution hill, always close to my heart, but now it has never seemed further.
Status: 0x2abf06, Minimum Safe Distance, County Dublin.
St Patricks Dispatch 9
Back at home briefly collecting myself before i have to cross the threshold. I spotted a few cars on the way home, throwing themselves toward the city, all adorned with garlands green, white and orange. I can feel the pull myself, back to the procession, back to the temple. I know the fate of those who follow such commands and i shall soon see it. I am much closer to the threshold here, i can hear it, skittering, screaming, like two tectonic plates wrought in human flesh abrading with a trillion newtons of force.
Status: sSssSssSSSsSSSsSSsSSsS, Exclusion Zone 6, Dublin City
St Patricks Dispatch 10
Kzjd fjdsss flesh sssssssSSsSSSSs k shhhhdd bssaaaa cobblesmmf ddaaaaas psjkksb zssd t tdsaaDfd
St Patricks Dispatch 11
Made it to cromskies of constitution hill. None of the pubs this closs to the threshold have windows pointing toward the city. No one wants to see. The tunes are fast, primal and harsh, loud to drown out the screaming.
Status: not ok. Exclusion Zone 7. Dublin City
St Patricks Dispatch 12
'Ithann an dorocha na dorocha fein' the darkness eats itself. The sirens are good news for two reasons, it means the threshold is weak enough for authorities to get to the survivors and it means that sound can pass that twisting maw. There will be no announcement of fatalities, not while there is tourist revenue, and no enquiry, no one will turn over the cobblestone of Temple Bar, and the darkness beneath slumbers for another year.
Status: Ok. Exclusion Zone 6. Dublin City