
one man, one vote, no hope.

Apr 08, 2010 07:27

It looks like we will be getting an election. So with all the parties starting their campaigns i would like to start one of my my own. A campaign to encourage you to vote for the grey line: the small parties, the underdogs, independents and marginals, its slogan should probably be 'Vote For Change' but im going to risk individual thought instead and go for 'Its OK to be Grey' and through it i would like you all to think about the following:
  • The only wasted vote is a vote for one of the three major Oligarchs - they are liers and thieves to a man. They have more in 'lunch allowence' the i get payed in a year!
  • Don't vote on what they promice you; Their words are just forged coins to buy your 'X'. Vote insteed on what they *delivered* the last time they tricked you into believing them, war, lies, and contempt for the public voice.
  • If you choose not to vote, your are not being clever, your being complacent. By surrendering your voice you are commiting a crime of ignorance, you are the victem of your arrogence, but we suffer aswell.

seriously, if your not going to vote, for whatevr reason, get in touch, ill make it worth your while if you vote for who i tell you to.
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