Jan 30, 2005 00:54
ok i havent updated in like a month cuz i just havent felt like it. i have a lot to say so dont read or deal with it.
Ok so ive been fighting with my mom alot lately, not responding to my dads calls and well you know. its all getting kind of gay. i feel bad when i dont talk to my dad because he thinks i hate him.. well i think i always will a little bit but whatever. My mom needs to stop the bi-polarness and just calm the hell down. I dont understand why she has to fight with me about EVERYTHING.. but theres nothing i can do. just ignore it.
Everything is great with andrew, actually it couldnt be better. Its been almost 10 months now and well, i couldnt ask for more. <3IloveYou
Havent hung with alecia in like forever and we got in a little argument or something this morning but weve been on the phone for like 2 hours... it reminds me of old times and im gunna get back in the swing of things cuz i miss all this. i would really appreciate everyone shutting up about us ok? we can deal with our own problems and all that.. so just stop trying to make things worse.
Was supposed to hang with some people tonight but didnt happen so oh well.. maybe next weekend.
Thats enough of a novel.. snowcoming soon i need a dress and i need to know how many people's hair im doing this time so i know when to start doing hair so let me know as soon as u can if you need your hair done
Thats all <3.