Dec 21, 2003 22:47
last kiss: Last night when I saw Mike..
last good cry: Las night
last library book: Dont remember
last movie seen: American History X
last book read: Merrick
last cuss word uttered: Prolly fuck
last beverage drank: Cherry 7-up
last food consumed: kieflie
last crush: Meow?
last phone call: Uhmm...prolly to Missy
last tv show watched: Really dont remember
last time showered: Today
last shoes worn: My faithfull shoe-boots thingys
last cd played: Lacuna Coil
last item bought: Missy's Christmas present
last thing downloaded: Zeromancer-houses of cards
last annoyance: Not being able to see Mike
last disappointment: Same as above
last soda/pop drank: Cherry 7-up
last thing written: Online- answer to question rl something for school prolly
last key used: y
last word spoken: More than likely..Tacos
last sleep: Took a nap from 4-5
last sexual fantasy: umm...Not telling tehehe but it involves Mike and and and....
last weird encounter: Getting folowed by 2 guys at Missy apartment
last ice cream eaten: Cordial Cherry
last time wanting to die: Sometime before I met Mike..
last time hugged: Lastnight
last time scolded: Dunno
last time resentful: Earlier today at my parents for being lame..
last chair sat in: The one I am sitting in infront of the comp
last lipstick used: uhmm prolly something red...for homecoming..I dont use lipstick often..
last bra worn: Black one
last shirt worn: black tee shirt thingy
last time dancing: Uhmm dunno
last poster looked at: Hrmmm no clue
last show attended: Lacuna coil show *orgasms*
xx.Do you enjoy depressing music? Mmhmm
xx.What makes you sigh? Sad things or upsetting things
xx.How many hours a day, on average, do you spend feeling sorry for yourself? Not even an hour..
xx.Who or what always brings you down? Depression
xx.Do you wear glasses? No.
xx.What frightens you? Dark uncovered windows...
xx.Do you wear sweaters all the time? Only Hoodies heheh
xx.What makes you tick? Friends...Mike...Music
xx.How many times has your heart been broken? Uhmm once...
xx.Tell me about that time you broke that law!: Smoking or underage drinking..
xx.What or who pisses you off? Selfishness...mean people...not being able to see Mike when I need to
xx.Would you rather date a sissy or a homebody? What?
xx.Sex or drugs or breaking stuff? Mmmmm sex with Mike..
xx.The Clash or The Ramones? Neither..
xx.What do you think about anarchy?: Tacos?
xx.Tell me about a prank you played! : Uhmm....
xx.Do you do things that are "bad for your body"?: Yes..
xx.How many times have/were you kicked out of that place?!: Uhmmm got kicked out of a mall in Chicago even though my hotel was attatched to it...
xx.Are you in trouble all the time? Noooo
xx.Do you want to die? Noo..
xx.What do you think about graveyards? Kinda ereey
xx.Do you write poetry often? Sometimes
xx.How much black clothing do you own? Lots...
xx.What type of makeup do you wear? Lots of eyeliner and sparkles..
xx.What do you think about pain? Can be fun..
xx.Masochism or sadism? MEW?
xx.How do you feel about the rest of the world? I dont care about them?
xx.Do you cry often? Depends..
xx.What do you think about vampires? Anne Rice vampires*orgasm*
xx.How messy are you in general? Sometimes clean but lotsa times I'm lazy..
xx.Do you bang your head on things repeatedly? Noo
xx.What do you think of mullets? EWW dirtyyy..
xx.When did you start drinking alcohol? uhmm 14 or somethingg..
xx.Do you go to concerts often? Not really
xx.What bands rock your pants off? Lacuna Coil,Kidney Thieves,Jack off Jill,Rasputina,Zeromancer...
xx.What do you think about violence? Eh...
xx.Who or what makes you homicidal? Tacos
xx.Worship Satan or practice black magic? Neither
xx.How wild are you in general? Depends on things..
xx.Are you wearing any clean clothes right now? Ewww of course.
xx.Do you wear flannel shirts a lot? No...icky
xx.When was the last time you showered? Today
xx.Do you speak clearly? Yea?
xx.Are you a lazy person? Hahaha yeaaaaa
xx.Do you play any instruments? Flute....bah
xx.Who or what do you rant about a lot? Uhmm tacos of lately
xx.Empathy or Sympathy? Both
xx.What do you think about Nirvana? Ehh
xx.What makes you different from the rest of them? I dunno lotsa things I guess..
xx.Who or what makes you bitter? People keeping me from things/people I love
xx.What was the last big decision you made? Uhhmm to be with Mike
xx.Are you a happy-go-lucky type of person? I dunnoo
xx.How hard do you work to get what you want? If I really want it I will do almost anything
xx.What do you resent? Tacos..
xx.Why might some people consider you to be an asshole? Dunno cause I can be a cunt if I dont know you..
xx.Do you trust others? Sometimes
xx.Are you a loyal friend? Yes
xx.Do you live in the ghetto? No
xx.Have you ever even held a gun before? No
xx.How much bling do you own? Ew..
xx.Would you rather have your best friend be a wangsta or a wigga? Neither
xx.Would you rather be bustin' caps or rollin' joints? rollin with friends tehehe
xx.Big butts or big boobs? Uhmm depends..
xx.What's your best pickup line? Dunno...I dont approch people too often
xx."Fo' Sho" or "Yeah, son"? BAHH!
xx.What race are most of your friends? That has nothing to do with anything...
xx.Ever been to prison? Noo